
Friday, February 17, 2012

Joy of the LORD

1 Thessalonians 1:6 NIV
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You became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you welcomed the message in the midst of severe suffering with the joy given by the Holy Spirit.

Too often, we let our present circumstances define our mood and direct our emotions. Above, Paul is talking about new Christians finding joy in the Lord in amongst severe suffering. The new Christians imitated Jesus and did not let their anguish determine their mood but rather chose joy in suffering. The powerful message of the gospel filled them up and the Holy Spirit carried them through intense persecution.

Here in North America at this present time, we do not face intense persecution but never the less we can and do face intense suffering. Misery from illness, finances, loss of a loved one, divorce, intense physical and or sexual abuse and so on, can cause us to lose joy. We have to choose joy in suffering and not allow our present circumstances to steal away the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Dear Father,
Please turn my suffering into joy and do not allow my outward circumstances determine my mood but empower this joy by Your Holy Spirit. Allow the joy of the Lord to spread to all who cross my path and help me to be a better example of spiritual joy to those around me. In Jesus' name, amen.

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James 1:2-3 NIV
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.



  1. Paul suffered long, long ago. Christians suffer today. Great Post. God bless you.

  2. Hi JT,
    Won't it be amazing when we are all with our Lord and Savior? No more suffering and immense joy 24/7 for ever!


  3. The joy of the Lord is my strength! I think joy is a misunderstood concept in North America, people confuse it with being happy and define happiness by externals. But joy is a fruit of the Spirit! Not an emotion!

    Good post!

  4. CoG amazing post. Appreciate you sharing always. Blessings.

  5. Hi Kimberly,
    I love this!! joy is a fruit of the Spirit! Not an emotion! It is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit therefore something that we have to focus on internally not externally.

    Hi Jesus Calling,
    Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. I am glad you enjoyed. :)


  6. I am mostly joyful and I laugh a lot. Today I finally went out the front for prayer for the pain in my knee. So I am looking forward to the healing. Much love to you. xxx

  7. Hi JBR,
    Hugs to you too! I am figuring that Jesus Calling is your blog too?

    Hi Crystal Mary,
    Is you knee still causing you pain? I will be in prayer for that.

    Blessings girls,

  8. I have to share with you that it started snowing during our church service yesterday morning and I realized that He was helping to wash away our sins and start anew :) I LOVE that feeling!

  9. Hi Katy,
    I love snow and it gives me the same feeling of having my sins washed away and making me white and clean. :)

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me.

  10. Hello Child of God. Indeed the joy of the Lord is our strength !!! God bless you today with renewed strength and joy. :)

  11. Hi Vilisi,
    Each day His blessings are new! Praise God!!

    Thanks for stopping by,


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God Bless,