
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Are You Worthy?

Matthew 10:37 NIV
“Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me."

Before I had children this verse was no problem for me, easy to do. I could give up anything for Jesus and make Him number one in my life. Even after having children it still was not very hard to do because the kids would just come with me.  Then came the day my daughter, at a Heidi Baker conference, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, crawled her way on to the stage and dedicated her life to Jesus in missions over seas.

I lost it. 

"No God, no please not that."

Serving our Lord costs us everything we have. I give my all to Him, even my children, if this is His will. I know, if my children do serve God overseas, He will come in and fill me up in ways I cannot imagine. Maybe He will even let me go with them.

Matthew 10:38 NIV

"Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me."

I'm linking up with Barbie at My Freshly Brewed Life for Fresh Brewed Sundays.

My Freshly Brewed Life


  1. Serving God comes at a high price. It's hard to balance my commitment to the Lord and my commitment to others most days. But oh the JOY in serving Him wholeheartedly!

  2. Hi Barbie,
    You nailed it, "the JOY in serving Him wholeheartedly!" His Joy is the best thing I have ever felt.

    Blessings and hugs sister,

  3. These past couple of days Heidi Bakers name has come up. At first I was not too familiar with her, but am now. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Hi JBR,
    Heidi Baker has started over 10,000 churches in Africa. If you have a chance to hear her speak I would recommend you go if you can.

    Blessings girl,

  5. Surrendering our children is not so easy, is it?! I think we all have a "oh, no, Lord...not that!" in our lives that keep us on our knees!

    How beautiful of your daughter to commit to service overseas! I was 19 when I was first called to missions, and saying "yes" was the best thing I ever did. My life has been richly rewarded beyond measure. Yours and hers will be too!

    Ok, now I'm off to Google Heidi Baker...

  6. "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." Luke 12:48

    I agree the JOY felt serving him and the strength that seems to go along with service. It amazes me and continues to blow my mind.
    Thank You for sharing....Prayin over here for you and yours!!!

    Hugs & Blessings :)

  7. Hi Kimberly,
    Surrendering our children is very tough. I can easily give up myself and many other things, even my husband, if need be, but my children? O.o that is a whole new ordeal. Yet, God calls for it. My thought process goes, if God can give up His only, beloved Son then I too can give up my children. But, that is easier said than done. :s

    Your missionary life has been very richly blessed. Thanks for sharing some of your journey there. It encourages me into letting go, a centimeter at a time, but I am letting go.


  8. Hi IwP,
    *shivers*, this is the very verse some 18 years ago my sister quoted to me. I remember exactly where I was when she quoted this to me and the very deep chord that it struck when she said it. I knew God was calling and telling me what would be required of my husband, myself and my children.

    Thanks for praying sister, means a lot to me.


  9. There's a great song about surrendering everything to him: Kim Walker 'I Surrender'

  10. Hi Daisy,
    I love Kim Walker!! Jesus Culture is one of my favourite bands. Thanks for sharing this song. LOVE it!



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