
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sinner Living in the Truth

John 14:15-22 NIV

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“If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.”

The Holy Spirit is all about Truth and He awakens the Truth in us, authorizing us to live in the Truth and will bring about the fruit of the Truth that we live. Jesus tells us four things about the Holy Spirit, He is the friend that God sends to us, unbelievers cannot receive the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Truth will be inside the followers of Jesus Christ and the presence of the Holy Spirit reminds us that Jesus will come again and claim His followers.

All people are sinners and the only difference between a non Christian and a Christian is a life that is sanctified by the Holy Spirit; a forgiven sinner that is being shaped and remolded by the Spirit of the Living God on a second by second basis. 

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Romans 8:9 NIV

You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ.

Life can be a very rough ride with storm after storm after storm. The power of the Holy Spirit allows us to ride on top of that storm just like a surfer riding the waves. Keep the faith and believe. Even though a Christian still sins, there is happiness knowing when we repent and change our ways we will be forgiven. Does this gives us a free ticket to keep on sinning? No way! The more we know who Jesus is the less we will sin, but this is usually followed by attacks from Satan in our vulnerable spots. Praise God for sending us Jesus, where would we be without Him? I seem to be failing a lot lately and all I can say is thank you Jesus for loving someone like me.

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  1. Excellent post!!!

    I am so thankful that the Holy Spirit indwells in us as well as His other Children!!!

    God bless you sis!!!

  2. Hi misting fog,
    It is such an amazing truth that really humbles me. Some days, like today being one, I just think, "Why Lord? Why do You love someone like me?" Yet He does and I am so very thankful.

    Blessings bro,

  3. I seem to figure it out when the Lord turns the light on for me, so I can see. We were talking, at our Men's Bible Study tonight, about how we tend to desire to figure it all out and do it ourselves. I love your description of us as "a forgiven sinner that is being shaped and remolded by the Spirit of the Living God on a second by second basis". Our study this evening in Romans 7 spoke to exactly what you address about not doing what we want to do and doing what we don't want to do ... how much we need the Holy Spirit's guiding direct to walk in with no condemnation in Christ Jesus. Chapter 14 of John is my favorite chapter in the Bible. One blessing after another, despite the bumps of life. Thank you for all that you do, for Him & for us. Blessings, Brian

  4. Hi Brian,
    Isn't it a really cool feeling when that light turns on? I just totally love that moment when we have been walking around in the dark trying to figure it out and then all of a sudden we get it and we see the solution.
    I guess we all can relate to Paul when he talks about sinning because of the sin that lives in us even though we don't want to do it, we do. :s
    I want to thank you too, for doing all that you do. I love your blog and every time I leave there I am full.

    Hi JBR,
    Thanks hon! Been thinking and praying for you lots lately. Hugs!

    Blessings and thanks for stopping by.

  5. Amen, so true, there is no condemnation to those who are Chris, who walk not after their flesh. I think there is always forgivness when people sincerely repents, which means they are sorry for what they did and will never want to do it again.

  6. Hi Toyin,
    Very well put! Repent and turn away, walking in the opposite direction of that sin. :)

    Blessings and thanks for stopping by.

  7. Hi Child of God,
    It is so awesome God could love and forgive a sinner like me through Christ Jesus. He keeps changing me and molding me to be more like Jesus. You are right, His forgiveness in not a free ticket to keep on sinning.

  8. Hi Ken,
    Isn't it neat how God keeps changing and molding us? The process does hurt, sometimes, but the results are always for the better.

    Thanks for stopping by.


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