
Monday, October 10, 2011

Hailey Needs Our Prayers

Hailey is off to the Mayo Clinic for some further tests.

Below is taken directly from Hailey's blog.

Some ways that you can help:
1) Send prayers or positive thoughts our way. For strength, for health, for answers.

2) Make a monetary donation. All funds collected will go to this trip. Airfare, lodging, rental car, etc... No amount is too small, and every penny counts. There is a donate button on the right side of my blog, and you can donate securely through paypal.

3) Spread the word. If each of you shared Hailey's story with ten other people, we could have this trip taken care of in no time! So steal my words (go ahead, I give you permission) and tell your friends about Hailey's story. Then ask them to tell their friends. Post it on Twitter. Share on Facebook. Send a pigeon out with a note in its beak. Ok, maybe not that last one. You get my point.

4) Consider doing some early Christmas shopping at my store, Robin's Custom Watches (Just click on the purple link). If you don't have facebook but would like to order watches, you can email me at robinswatches@yahoo(dot)com

5) Consider purchasing items for yourself or as gifts from my Mary Kay business. I'm running some specials this month, and we have some items that make great gifts! If  you would like to do so, please email me at robinvisbal@yahoo(dot)com  
Thank you so much for reading, and for helping in any way that you can!

Matthew 21:21-22 NIV

Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”

Blessing, keep the faith. Pray and pray!! :)



  1. Thanks for wanting to leave a comment. I love them. :)

    Just letting you know I am without internet at home and have to travel into town in order to use the internet. Have patience with me posting your comment. I will post when I am able.

    Thank you and God Bless!!

  2. Thank you for posting this.

    I certainly will give my prayer for Hailey in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    God's blessings to her, and to you, my sister in Christ!!!

  3. Blessings to you dear one. Thank you for sharing on Hailey.

  4. Hi Lon and JBR,
    Thank you for your prayers and supporting Hailey. Isn't she cute?!

    My internet is back up and running!!


  5. This is one of those times when you WANT people to be spreading news, telling everybody and anybody that Hailey and the family need help.

    Kinda like the Vegie Tales Story about the Rumour Weed, it starts off as a little rumour and gradually gets bigger and bigger until the weed grows so big - its out of control... Well, Hailey's Story is for good, so I hope word gets around to those who are able to provide help in anyway.

  6. Hi Kerrie,
    I love Veggie Tales and the Rumour Weed!
    The Mayo Clinic is an top of the line Clinic, a lot of very good doctors there. It is very expensive so I too hope this word gets around.



Hello! Thanks for leaving a comment, it sure does brighten my day. Please remember to keep the comments God honouring and click 'Subscribe by Email' as I always reply to comments.
God Bless,