
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Encourage One Another

I came across a new blog from a veteran blogger, Ron, The Old Geezer, has started a second blog called Encourage One Another

Check it out, I am sure you will enjoy it as Ron always has interesting posts. The following is taken from his blog with the permission of re-posting. Enjoy!

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Bob and the Lord stood by to observe a baseball game. The Lord's team was playing Satan's team. The Lord's team was at bat, the score was tied zero to zero, and it was the bottom of the 9th inning with two outs. They continued to watch as a batter stepped up to the plate whose name was Love. Love swung at the first pitch and hit a single, because Love never fails. The next batter was named Faith, who also got a single because Faith works with Love. The next batter up was named Godly wisdom. Satan wound up and threw the first pitch. Godly Wisdom looked it over and let it pass: Ball one. Three more pitches and Godly Wisdom walked, because Godly wisdom never swings at what Satan throws.

The bases were loaded. The Lord then turned to Bob and told him He was now going to bring in His star player. Up to the plate stepped Grace. Bob said, "He sure doesn't look like much!" Satan's whole team relaxed when they saw Grace. Thinking he had won the game, Satan wound up and fired his first pitch. To the shock of everyone, Grace hit the ball harder than anyone had ever seen. But Satan was not worried; his center fielder let very few get by. He went up for the ball, but it went right through his glove, hit him on the head and sent him crashing on the ground; then it continued over the fence for a home run! The Lord's team won.

The Lord then asked Bob if he knew why Love, Faith, and Godly Wisdom could get on base but could not win the game. Bob answered that he did not know why. The Lord explained, "If your love, faith and wisdom had won the game you would think you had done it by yourself. Love, faith and wisdom will get you on base, but only My Grace can get you home. My Grace is the one thing Satan cannot steal. ~Unknown Author
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Acts 9:31 NIV
Then the church throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace and was strengthened. Living in the fear of the Lord and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it increased in numbers. 



  1. Hi CoG ~ So glad Ron is back!!!! Love it...totally can relate. I played ball in my younger days and have been guilty of under estimating the hitter! I played 2nd base, the captain of the team and was known for my mouth and chattering ;p Blessed with a great memory Most everyone would count on me to remember the batter and how to cover and play defense.
    So true!! Just when you think you have everything figured out you can get caught flat footed and lose the game. Love they way this game turned out! Thank You for sharing...

  2. I love the old geezer!! This was excellent to read....and I am going to go check out his new site! Thank you, friend! Hope your week is going well. Please pray for me, when I come to mind, as I only have 2 1/2 weeks until I take the LSAT! May the Lord's will be done, concerning my future plans. Much love ~ alice

  3. This was good. I didn't know Ron had another blog. guess where I'm headed next:)

  4. Hi IwP,
    I think it is cool that you can relate cause you played the game. :)

    I too have missed Ron's post. This new blog looks great.

    Hi Alice,
    Yes I will be in prayer for these exams. :) As you know, study hard, relax and leave it in His hands.


  5. Hi Lisa,
    I too have just found out about Ron's blog. He always posts such great stuff.


  6. Delightful post. Encouraging is so vital these days for our own well being. Appreciate you sharing. Blessings.

  7. Hi JBR,
    Ron always comes up with interesting posts and neat sayings. Glad you enjoyed, sweet girl. :)


  8. Woohoo! I can post comments again!

    I loved this post. I really needed it. Thank you for sharing. :)

    Do you have any posts that explain fasting? I've only fasted once. And it was just for a morning. I'd love some more wisdom on the subject.

  9. Hi Emily,
    Glad you can post again, I love your fellowship. :)

    I don't have any good posts on fasting, something I will have to write about. I do have some good links, though, I will email them to you.


  10. That's so good. Thanks for sharing this. :)

  11. Hi Jason,
    Thanks for stopping by! I am glad you liked this, Ron always puts up good stuff. :)


  12. Good Morning, Child of God,
    I love both posts. The first one about "the sheep" is very inspirational, and it`s so true. We must be on the alert at all times, for the last days are coming soon. I have already joined Ron`s second blog. He is an inspirational Christian writer, and I follow his blogs. The new one, he calls it, "Encouraging one another." It`s a good title for a good blog. I`ll stay in Blogland. The only change is that instead of having too many blogs, which I am unable to handle, I shall have just one blog in which I`ll post a little bit of everything. I`ll have more time to read other fellow bloggers posts, and express my comments more often than now. I still deal with unpleasant chronic health issues. My youngest granddaughter has got asthma and allergy like me...She uses inhalers and other meds. My daughter takes her to the Specialist Medical Doctor for her regular check ups. She is only 2 years old. Oh, my poor baby!!...
    Thank you for your encouraging posts, sweet dear Child of God!!
    God keeps blessing you!!
    Love in Christ,
    Poet Starry Dawn.

  13. Hi Starry Dawn,
    Oh your poor granddaughter! My sister suffers from asthma and allergies and has to use inhalers, but they do help and if she uses them properly it really diminishes the asthma. Praying your granddaughter will out grow this.

    Blessings sister and thanks for stopping by.


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God Bless,