
Friday, August 26, 2011

He Will Exist Fully

J E S U S  C H R I S T

Have you ever found yourself waiting and waiting for God to fulfill His promise to you? Have you ever wondered how long it will take? Do you question if the LORD is really listening to you? Do things seem to fall apart right in front of your very eyes and you think things will never be right again. I do. Sometimes I say to God, "Really now...why LORD? Why must it be this way? When will You intervene? When will You make things right?" Every single time I ask God this I am always reminded of David and Sarah. How long Sarah had to wait for a son and all the trials David went through. I end up saying to God, "Your way LORD, not mine for You know better than me and Your way always turns out, but hurry LORD for I am weak". God comes in and gives me a strength that I know wasn't there before. He fills me and a piece of myself falls away and He comes in place. One day I will exist no more and He will exists fully in me.

J E S U S  C H R I S T

Colossians 1:10-12 NIV
so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. 

God always knows best and His ways are always right. We need to trust Him; lay it all at His feet, give up ourselves and allow Him to rule. 



  1. I love reading your blog because it always makes me think. You have a great gift...thank you :)

  2. Hi Child of God -

    Thank you

    I felt such peace as I read this piece. It was soul soothing, indeed.

  3. Hi, Katy, Emily and Sandra,

    Thank you! :)Laying all at the feet of Jesus is very "soul soothing".


  4. Wow....I have really missed reading your blogs. What a perfect post for me today - I am blessed and encouraged beyond words. Thank you for loving Jesus, and thank you for the encouragement over in my corner!! In His Love and Beauty ~alice

  5. Wonderful Post... I am there with ya, wandering what the heck at times, too. But with faithfulness and grace He ALWAYS comes through in His own Timing which is always right on time! Love ya and Hugs and Blessings!! :)
    Great Post!!
    BTW, I have my computer back praise the Lord for my hubby.

  6. Hi Alice,
    I am glad this blessed you. :) God, He is amazing, the blessing pour out to all who obey Him.

    Hi IwP,
    Glad to hear your computer is up and running again! I agree, God's timing is always right on time!


  7. Yes, patience is not an easy virtue, but it must be important to strive for this since the Bible says in Luke 21:19- In your patience possess ye your souls.
    This post was a timely reminder of this for me. Thank You!
    ~Peace & Blessings In Jesus~

  8. Hi Never Forsaken,
    Great verse! Since I am a fast-paced person, patience has been something I have always struggled with. :s But He is working on me via RA and kids.


  9. Dear Child Of God,

    I missed this post for some reason. Just now as I was scrolling down this is what stopped me...

    THANKFULNESS (Oh, I am so thankful to God!) and PATIENCE (Oh, I'm not good at this, waiting on His timing.) and last but not least, this stood out to me, HIS WAY IS BEST.

    Please help me Father to remember that YOUR way is BEST. Please help me to be more PATIENT. I THANK YOU for absolutely everything!!! In Jesus' name, Amen.

    Love to you sister!

  10. Hi Kerrie,
    Patience is a tough one for me, but I am learning that His way is best and sometimes we need to wait a very long time for His timing.



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