
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Train Ride Through Life

Yesterday was a very interesting day for me. My family and I woke early so we could make a 2 1/2 hr drive north to catch a train. Not just any train but a ‘children’s wish foundation’ train ride. This is something my husband has wanted to do his whole life but never had the opportunity to do so until yesterday. With the money going towards such a good cause how could we refuse?
We had invited a couple that we knew and them and their two boys met up at the train station for a fascinating ride. Now I, being a pretty active person, was fussing inside wondering how I was going to survive hours and hours of sitting down on a train and then bus being bored out of my mind. God, through, had other plans! 
The couple we traveled with are friends that I haven't had much contact with for over 3 years and before that it was very sporadic, chit chat during the hour our kids did Taekwondo together. Darling, name changed, and I started talking and as it turned out we talked from the moment we sat down on the train til the moment we got off the bus back at our starting destination. 
Darling is not a Christian but a non practicing Jew by birth. She is sweet, vivacious and eager to learn new things and would give the shirt off of her back if she saw that you were cold and in need. I knew from other friends that Darling was attending a woman's Bible study so I thought I would ask her how it was going. That was a question that led into witnessing about Jesus and the end times that we are now living in. I thought it was pretty neat how God set this whole thing up on a moving train. Made me think about how we move through life twisting and turning going through tunnels and climbing mountains. Riding along either letting life and opportunities pass us or observe, learn and grow. 
As I started witnessing to Darling about Jesus being the Messiah and telling her about all the weird things happening in this world, I could see a spark develop and grow right before my very eyes. The opening up of a Jewish gem, a deep knowing inside of her that what I was telling her was truth. I watched her spirit come alive and a deep thirst for Jesus and the Truth, grow. I am amazed at how God works, you see I didn't want to go on this train ride and almost missed it but because of my son's persistence in me coming along, I went. If I had stayed home Darling and I wouldn't have had this talk. We parted ways with her wanting to find a Bible study about Biblical prophecy and finding her true roots in Jesus Christ.
Praise God! How He works astounds me time and time again. If we are just willing to be free and talk openly and honestly about Jesus, we will be surprised to see how the Holy Spirit works. I am praying for Darling and her husband Gazelle. You see Gazelle is not a believer but a hard shell man who I noticed was listening in on our conversation with eager ears. I can see his shell cracking and I know the Holy Spirit is moving in.
Step out and speak freely about Jesus and embrace the opportunities that are set before you even if they seem dull and boring I guarantee you will not be disappointed that you did.
Timothy 6 11:16 NIV
But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. In the sight of God, who gives life to everything, and of Christ Jesus, who while testifying before Pontius Pilate made the good confession, I charge you to keep this command without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which God will bring about in his own time—God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen. 



  1. AMAZING! Praise the Lord! What a testimony! I love seeing it when He orchestrates these encounters. Who else but Him could put it together? And you-- being obedient! Doing His work!

    Praying for them both!


  2. Hi Emily,
    Thanks for your prayers!

  3. I love the "God Moments" where we have opportunity to encourage others. So glad you were open to share! I pray one day Darling comes fully to the Lord.

  4. How wonderful! You said on one of my last post "I hope to be able to witness with my mouth" and He gave you the opportunity! Praying for Darling and her husband Gazelle.
    My heart leaps for joy! Praise God! Thank you for going on this train ride even when you didn't want to go.

    Have a blessed day!!

  5. Hi Greg,
    Yes, God moments are so awesome! Thank you for your prayers for my friends, I hope they come into a relationship with Jesus.

    Hi Sara,
    Funny, when you ask watch out! :) For me being a very quiet person and all, I found it so easy to talk. Jesus has become my passion and the Holy Spirit was there opening and guiding. It was amazing!


  6. Child of God that is fantastic! Isn't God amazing in how he can just orchestrate a whole situation like that.We all need more God moments like that. Thanks for sharing. I'm encouraged to pray for more God moments. Sure would be nice. That was a special train ride in more ways than one! May the summer be blessed with more special moments. :)

  7. Hi Vilisi,
    Yes this is so cool how everything came together and to think I was so reluctant before hand. I sure do hope I have more opportunities not only this summer but all year long.

    Pray for it Vilisi, God will do something that will not only surprise you but blow your socks off. :)


  8. Awesome! I pray the Lord does a work in her and her husband and brings them into salvation. More and more Jewish people are coming to faith in Jesus these days. Praise God.

  9. Hi Ken,
    I am hoping to meet up with her again and continue the talk. My husband has, in the past, been witnessing to her husband. Before he had zero interest but now he seems to be showing some interest. They have a huge family here where we live and in Brazil. I am praying big. :) Whole family and friends; revival!


  10. Wow, what an awesome testimony. It is true, amazing things can happen when we trust God to open doors for us to minister to people. I will keep Darling and her husband in prayer.

  11. To say that I'm so proud of you means nothing, God is a proud papa though and that means everything.
    Enjoy your blessings, you not only witnessed to a beloved lost child, but to a lost chosen one!
    Although God says He is no respecter of persons & He is hopeful of all to be saved, His people Israel are the apple of His eye, and our President should take heed in the words of Genisis12:2-3

    And I will make you a great nation, And I will bless you,
    And make your name great;
    And so you shall be a blessing;
    And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse.
    And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”

    Peace IN Jesus


  12. Hi Toyin,
    It was an amazing experience for the Holy Spirit was right there witnessing to Darling's soul. I wonder if it is because she is a Jew and He is calling them home.

    Hi Never Forsaken,
    Thanks! I have tears and I am feeling so overwhelmed by His love. These verses are perfect and the timing is so right. Papa is proud and that is all that I will ever need to hear.

    Blessings sisters,

  13. Powerful words. I also love the picture. Thank you for sharing.

  14. I am Jewish....and loved reading this. ☺

  15. Hi JBR,
    It was a powerful time! I am glad you enjoyed reading :)

    Hi Sara,
    I think it is so cool that you are Jewish. Direct line of Jesus. I love that smiley face.


  16. I know that everyone here has nothing but good intentions, but how is it that you can all be to Jesus deluded? So you talked with your friend about god and this is a powerful miracle? Your standard for miracles is really low, you know? Now, if you witnessed a heart doing open heart surgery on itself, now that would be impressive. All these little "miracles" that you see going on are just life happening, such as that "miracle" for Emily. Ok, there is a new treatment. Thank science for that... not Jesus. Someone offered to pay for it? Thank that someone... not Jesus. If you stop with the deluded Jesus thinking and take one good honest look, you will see that there is no invisible hand in the sky directing all these things. It's science moving forward and kind, generous people. What about sweet little Addison who passed away? All your prayers for her complete recovery did not work. She passed away. But you still see it as the plan of god. So if it is his plan that she dies, then you are in opposition to him by praying for her recovery. Do you see the fallacy of your thinking? Of course not. But I do and it sickens me every time I come to this blog as read all this magical hocus pocus nonsense.

    Every person on your prayer list will either die or get better. No matter which happens: PRAISE THE LORD!!!!! But you don't understand that that is what happens naturally... sick people either die or get better. It is true for atheists, jews, buddhists, christians, muslims, hindu, tao, etc. You are taking every day occurances as proof that your fairytale is true. Stop with the magical wishful thinking and join the rest of us here on planet earth.

  17. Good Morning, sweet Child of God,

    It is always great for me to visit your amazing blog. It gives me food for thoughts, and spiritual food to nourish my soul. I have found truly interesting your post of this day, about the train to life's journeys. The best part is when I come to read about the hard shell of the gentleman, and how it began to crack when the Holy Spirit had gone in. Many folks covered themselves with a hard shell. We ought to find the way how to crack their shells with the amazing grace of God, and the Light of the Holy Spirit going through their eyes. Let the Lord make find their way!! The Lord is My Only Leader, My Only Master. Jesus Christ leads my way, and He leads it until the end of times. Praise the Lord for His blessings on us, sweet Child of God!! Thank you so much for visiting my blogs, and offering your always kind and heartfelt comments!! You are a super friend. I highly appreciate your warm loving ways. God may bless you all, Child of God!! Blessings and Prayers,
    Poet Starry Dawn.

  18. Hello Mormon 411,

    I feel quite blessed to have 2 comments from you in one day. I believe the Holy Spirit is awakening you, otherwise why would you continue to visit my blog that you have deemed “magical hocus pocus nonsense”.

    Before I go any further, I wish to remind you that I have mentioned to you different miracles that I have been witnessed to and I don’t believe I need to mention them again. Now talking about a heart working on itself in open heart surgery I would consider that satanic magic and nothing of God.

    God tells us to pray without ceasing for all kinds of things. Ephesians 6:18-19 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
    God tells us to pray in the Spirit at all times because our battle is not in flesh and blood but in the spirit, a dimension that we cannot see but even science has proven its existence; quantum physics and 3rd& 4th dimensions talk about a dimension that we cannot see, one that mirrors our dimension.

    For Emily, if there was no prayer then maybe this man’s heart would not have been moved to give her the large sum of money needed for this treatment. Did you ever think of it that way?

    Now concerning Addison, yes we have a set time to our days that nobody knows but God. Job 14:5
    A person’s days are determined; you have decreed the number of his months and have set limits he cannot exceed.

    So because it’s death you say why pray? Well then with that type of thinking why eat? Why bother taking care of your body, after all you are going to die one day and that could be today. That is silly talk! Our time here on earth is likened to a flower. Have you noticed how long flowers last? Not long at all they bloom and then die. Here today and gone tomorrow.
    Prayers for Addison have indeed worked in God’s perfect way, not ours. Instead of dying in pain she was peaceful, very peaceful and quite happy. Instead of her parents being angry and mad they were at peace and were able, by the grace of God, to say goodbye to their little girl. Prayers do not change or direct God’s mind, but we align ourselves up with God’s will and pray according to this because there is more going on than you or I can see or understand. I guarantee you that if Addison had been destined to live 80 years, she would have been healed.

    Have you ever wondered where you will go when you die? Are you willing to take the chance that God does not exist? God tells us that there is eternity and we are eternal beings. Our souls are immortal. Are you willing to take the chance that what I say here about God is false? What if you were to die tomorrow? Where would you go? God tells us that all who have not acknowledge Jesus as Saviour will be sent away from Him to live eternity in separation from God, Who is love.

    Philippians 3:19-21
    Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Saviour from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.

    So Mormon 411, I Praise God that you came by to visit me at this God centered blog. I pray, in the name of Jesus, that your heart will be softened and your eyes opened to the truth that is Jesus Christ God’s son, died on the cross and raised into life for your sins and mine.

    What I tell you is truth; why else would I publish your comment and allow you to ridicule me and the people God has given for me to pray for.


  19. Hi Child of God -

    Thank you.

    I so enjoyed reading this. I Praise GOD that your son was persistent.

    Your witness to Darling certainly bore fruit for the kingdom of our Lord.

  20. Hi Starry Dawn,
    Gazelle is a hard shell of a man but a gem at heart.
    I am so happy to hear that Jesus leads your way. His way provide everlasting joy.

    I too enjoy your blog sweet girl. It is always a blessing to stop by and read what you have written.

    God Bless,

  21. Hi Sandra,

    I too Praise God that my son was persistent. What a joy to witness to someone and see the Spirit move. Such a wonderful thing to behold.


  22. Thank you for your continued encouragement and prayers.

  23. Hi JBR,
    You are welcome sweet girl. We need to pray and encourage other.

    God Bless,

  24. Hi Mormon 411,

    I am not posting your last two comments as this is not a blog for debating or fighting. I have, in past comments, gone over these same issues with you and it became a circle. If you wish to discuss this then email me and we can take it further but unless the Holy Spirit convicts you, you will never believe.

    If my blog bothers you so much then refrain from reading it. Yes, I will pray for you. If you think Jesus is imaginary than you do not need to worry.

    John 4:48
    “Unless you people see signs and wonders,” Jesus told him, “you will never believe.”


  25. So glad for your hubby that you got to do 'the wish; train ride. Was it a steam train?? Whatever, it was a wonderful occassion because you were able to witness to Darling. I pray it planted a strong seed that grows great! I am thrilled..
    Much love Crystal xx

  26. Hi Crystal Mary,
    It was supposed to be a steam train but it wasn't working that day. But that's ok it was fun! They even had a museum car on it that we got to look at.
    I hope to further plant this seed in Darling as we might be meeting up again this weekend. :)

    Thanks for your prays sister.
    Hugs and love,

  27. Hi sweet Child of God,

    Oh, darling!! I am afraid to say, but I have been reading not only your post, but also the comments people make about your blog. In this post, there is a someone who is bothering you with nasty debates or fighting. If I were you, I would just delete his/her posts. Just ignore people like that, sweetheart. This is Internet Worldwide. Imagine, if this person begins to write nasty things every single day. I'll feel harrassed, but I won't tolerate the harrassment from that person. I'll tell that person not to visit me, not to read if he/she does not like my posts or my blogs. We have the free will to choose what we like best, but we don't have the right to bother other people's rights to express their feelings and beliefs. Let Freedom and Justice flow like a stream in a better world!! I let you know, sweet Child of God, that I enjoy reading your posts in your amazing blog. Do not let evil or wrong doers stand in your way, please!! God keeps blessing you, Child of God, and all your beloved ones!! My hubby is a Medical Scientist, and he does not agree with me in many things. But at least, he respects my beliefs as a Christian.
    Let's live today in full as if it were our last day!! We'll have our food, water, air to breathe, clothing, a warm place to stay, happy moments, love, all necessary things to survive, and so on. Even though we know that we'll certainly die one day unknown, we must live every day until the end. God promised that we'll have eternal life in spirit in Eternity, if we believe in Him. In other words, we live in flesh in this world, then, after we die, we'll live in spirit in Heaven, if we believe in our dear Lord, Jesus Christ, the son of God. The Scriptures says the ones who don't believe, they will go to hell...
    I pay no respect for those who don't believe, I just ignore them. They can go on in their own ways. I don't care about these kind of folks. You don't have to post this comment, sweet Child of God, if you do not want to. But, I really wanted to express my oppinion about this particular comment of that particular person, who mentioned things about your blog.
    It could go on and on, if you let him/her do that. Please, don't let it happen, dear.
    Blessings and Love in Christ,
    Poet Starry Dawn.

  28. Hi Starry Dawn,
    Thank you for your concern and caring heart. But no worries! :) I am so honoured that I can suffer for Jesus Christ and be ridiculed along side of Him, my Lord and King!
    I have just finished reading and studying 1 Peter NSAB and I found a well of information that tells me we will be greatly blessed for suffering for the name of Jesus.

    1 Peter 4:12-19

    Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation. If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. Make sure that none of you suffers as a murderer, or thief, or evildoer, or a troublesome meddler; but if anyone suffers as a Christian, he is not to be ashamed, but is to glorify God in this name. For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God? AND IF IT IS WITH DIFFICULTY THAT THE RIGHTEOUS IS SAVED, WHAT WILL BECOME OF THE GODLESS MAN AND THE SINNER? Therefore, those also who suffer according to the will of God shall entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right.

    You are such a sweet sister to worry about me but I say rejoice with me that I am found worthy to suffer along with Jesus!

    My heart in in anguish over the lost, these people who are blinded to the goodness of Jesus Christ. I cry for them for the day is coming, and soon I think, that Jesus will rapture His church and then the tribulation will settle in and then He returns as a mighty Lion. Then it will be too late to choose Him.

    So, pray with me, dear sister, pray for the salvation of souls before it is to late and pray for the salvation of this person, I believe the Spirit of God is pressing in on him/her and that is why they are lashing out. :)

    Blessings sister,


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God Bless,