
Friday, June 24, 2011

Wonders in the Sky

While driving home from picking up my daughter Squeaks up from the airport. We saw some awesome clouds that we have never seen before. I hope you enjoy these pics as much as I do.

Psalm 104:2-4 NJKV

Who cover Yourself with light as with a garment,
         Who stretch out the heavens like a curtain.
 He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters,
         Who makes the clouds His chariot,
         Who walks on the wings of the wind,
 Who makes His angels spirits,
         His ministers a flame of fire.

Daniel 7:13-14 NKJV

“ I was watching in the night visions,
      And behold,
One like the Son of Man,
      Coming with the clouds of heaven!
      He came to the Ancient of Days,
      And they brought Him near before Him.
       14 Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom,
      That all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him.
      His dominion
is an everlasting dominion,
      Which shall not pass away,
      And His kingdom
the one
      Which shall not be destroyed.

Revelations 1:7-8 NKJV

Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen.
“I am the Alpha and the Omega,
the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”

I sat in the truck thinking about Jesus and how one day He will come in on the clouds with every eye on Him and all will bow their knee to Him in submission to His glory. One day He will come and I want to be ready.

Blessings my friends,


  1. These pictures are breathtaking! And I'm sure they don't do justice to the actual sights! I love clouds...I love the big, fat, white, puffy ones. Cumulus?

    I remember as a little girl looking up at them and thinking I used to live in the clouds, and that Heaven was inside of them. I always thought I lived in Heaven before I came to earth. Pretty deep, huh? My daughter used to say the same thing when she was little. She blew me away one day when she said that we used to play together in heaven and then one day I left to come to earth and she was sad but knew she'd see me again. Weird, huh?!


    This always blows me away: EVERY eye shall see Him!!!! That's powerful stuff! That tells us that Jesus' glory is SO full of awe and majesty, and glory and holiness that He could return in such a way that EVERY eye shall see Him!!! Deep stuff!!!

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures!

  2. Come Jesus Come!

    Thank you child of God for sharing this post and God bless,

  3. Can you imagine looking at those clouds and then Jesus did appear..with all the host of Heaven?? Oh what a shock!! We are waiting for it, but I believe it will be beyond our imagination. I love your photos and wonder what these cloud masses meant. My brother used to have a book that informed.. So interesting and beautiful. Hugs xx

  4. Great pics, Child of God. Clouds tend to have that effect on me as well. I think of Jesus and his return. Hope you're having a great weekend. God bless. :)

  5. God's handiwork is really awesome. And He does this just for our pleasure. Blessings.

  6. Isn't God's creation amazing! Just think what heaven must be like!!!! :-)

    Have a great weekend :-)


  7. Beautiful pictures...But the scriptures were even more beautiful..What a glorious day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see ! !

  8. Thinking about Him coming in the clouds always gives me such an aw-struck feeling. Totally get the chills down my spine. Beautiful!

  9. Hi Kimberly,
    You are so right! These pictures don't really do justice to the real thing! One thing I really missed when I moved into the mountains, the beautiful clouds of the prairies. I have never in all of our 20 years here in the mountains, seen clouds like these. Very beautiful and I couldn't help my mind wandering to think about the return of Jesus.

    How sweet that your daughter would say something so profound...I wonder where she gets her thinking from? :)

    Hi Ken,
    I agree with you so much, come Jesus come! I can hardly wait for His return but I also know that we need to be patient because there are many that don't know Him yet. Puts us in a spot, eh?

    Hi Crystal Mary,
    My thoughts exactly while looking at these clouds, what if Jesus appears? I think I would stare in awe wondering if my eyes were playing tricks on me. I was saying to my hubby, 'what does this mean?' 'These are crazy, wild clouds. Can this be His walk way being prepared?' Cool thoughts, for sure.

    Hi Vilisi,
    I bet you see amazing clouds all the time, being so close to the ocean. My son is preparing for 2 provincial exams on Monday and Tuesday, I am helping him study and focus. Once these exams are done we are free for 2 whole months!! I can hardly wait, I need a break. :)

    Hi JBR,
    He sure does all of this for our pleasure, and huge amounts of pleasure I get watching the clouds change shape and dance across the sky.

    Hi Ron,
    I think when we get to heaven we will be standing in awe for many years just looking and the beauty of His creation. The pureness of the colours and creativity of His mind.

    Hi Mary,
    I too just love the Scriptures of Jesus coming on the clouds. I love Daniel 7 where he mentions the Ancient of Days, very exciting hearing this title for God.

    Thanks to all for your comments. Blessings,

  10. Hi Kaboom,
    It is a very cool feeling, eh? I agree about the chills down the spine, I sure did feel like that yesterday, while my thoughts wandered to Jesus riding the clouds. Here clouds being described as God's chariots makes me think about a water skier. Our God is a warrior God and He will come in all His majesty, glory and I think we will be cheering Him on.

    Blessings girl,

  11. Hi Child of God -

    You expressed, "“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”

    Oh! Glory Hallelujah. Amen!

    Thank you for those photos of cloud splendor.

  12. Hi Sandra,
    It is so reassuring knowing He is the Alpha and the Omega!

    You are welcome, I am glad you like the pictures.


  13. Brilliant post, Child of God!! I am really impressed. I stand in bewilderment when I gaze upon the sky, as if our dear Lord would be telling me a message, or His master plan for me in this world. I love your post, Child of God. Thank you for sharing your amazing talents with the world!!
    God keeps blessing you, sweetie!!
    Thank you for reading my Blogs, and writing your heartfelt comments!! By the way, I won't update My Older Blogs, for I have no time. Now, I've got a New Blog, if you wish to join and visit me there, Child of God. It contains different topics such as poems, stories, tales, thoughts, communications with Online friends, inspirational messages and so on. I'll give you the Link, if you care to read:
    The title is: "Journeys and Journals from Our Galaxy."
    You'll honour me with your presence. You may find it in my personal profile as well. God bless you, Child of God, and those you love!!
    Love in Christ,
    Poet Starry Dawn.

  14. Hi Starry Dawn,
    I just love looking at the sky especially clouds! When I was little I lay my head on my mommy's lap and gaze at the clouds for hours. Watching them change shapes and make stories up in my head.

    I am glad you liked this post, you are a dear to think I am talented. :s

    I will stop by your new blog. I know I tried visiting a while ago but wasn't able to go on the page without some sort of funny interference from I don't know what it was. I will try again.



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God Bless,