
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Lucy is doing so well!

Thank you to all who are praying for Lucy, 3 Kids a Mini-Van and a Mortgage. A while back you might remember that Lucy was fairing poorly with her sight leaving her, you can check out the posts here and here. Well yesterday she had a MRI done to see how she is doing and this is the report from Kate, Lucy's mom...

Lucy got a wonderful report from her scans.  Here are the 5 things that the doctor told us:
1. No new tumor growth
2. No growth of the old tumors
3. Spine looked even better than the scans 2 weeks ago
4. No cancer cells in her spinal fluid
5. Thalamus has returned to normal (following the vitamin deficiency)

Praise our wonderful GOD!! Rejoice with me in the awesomeness of our God!

Exodus 15:2-3 NIV
“The LORD is my strength and my defense;
   he has become my salvation.
He is my God, and I will praise him,
   my father’s God, and I will exalt him.
The LORD is a warrior;
   the LORD is his name.
Deuteronomy 32:3-4 NIV
I will proclaim the name of the LORD.
   Oh, praise the greatness of our God!
He is the Rock, his works are perfect,
   and all his ways are just.
A faithful God who does no wrong,
   upright and just is he.
Google Image


  1. Rejoicing with you! God is awesome!

    And that is one cute gopher. :)

    (or is it a squirrel?)

  2. He makes me want to lift up my hands too and praise God. :)

  3. Hi Vilisi,

    I believe this is a gopher or it could be a marmot, but I think a marmot is bigger, so I say gopher.

    God tells us if we don't praise Him the rocks will cry out in praises to Him.

    He is so good!!

  4. Praise Jesus he is so good!! Wow see the power of prayer is just amazing Jesus ALWAYS listens...this gave me cold chills and made me tear up! Thank you so much for posting this good news! Oh and I just love that last pic so stinkin' cute

    love ya

  5. Hi Summer,
    Yea, that gopher is sweet! I wish I knew how to do this with the computer I would have some of my horses praying! :)

    Always praying for you girl break through and praise is coming.


  6. Amen Mr. Gopher. Let every thing that has breath praise the Lord! :-)

  7. What exciting news! Thank you so much for sharing it with us :)


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