
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Brinnng!!! Time to Wake UP!

2 Timothy 2:24-26 NIV
And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.

2 Timothy 3:1-5 NIV
But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. 

Do you find this hard to do? Gently instruct those who are wicked, do not argue or quarrel in hopes that God will give them repentance. When you go on and look into verses 1-5 you see that people are selfish, abusive, ungrateful and so on. This makes giving a gentle answer or a turning of the cheek difficult. These are the days that we are living in friends; last days. 

We, as brothers and sisters in Christ, need to encourage each other, build each other up in Jesus and the Gospel. Supporting each other through prayer, knowing that one day we will be rewarded in a way we could never imagine. As brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, we need to stick together as a family whether we live side by side or on the other ends of the earth. We are all family and together we work as one body under Christ. During these times when we are trying to follow the word of God and others are so worldly that they are wearing us down and we become frustrated and fed up with doing right because it seems nobody else is doing right, then this is when we need to come together and pray. Our prayers offered up to God are very powerful and accomplish much in the spiritual world. Do you think that Satan's followers are standing by idly? No way!! They are fasting, praying and offering blood sacrifices to their god against Christians, against our children. This is a spiritual war and they are fighting and sticking together.

Brinnng! Christians, it is time to wake up and put on the armour of God and fight against the principalities and rulers of this earth. We need to stand side by side watching each others back for the forces of evil are strong and becoming stronger each day as people become lovers of self.

Kimberly, Mining for Diamonds, is in a 'woman of faith' contest, (which, by the way, there are still 2 days left to vote), I have been supporting her almost every day with my vote and while looking through some of the blogs that are running as 'faith blogs' I was noticing that there are a lot of witches running for near top 25 in this contest. While looking through one of these blogs I opened up the comments on one of the posts and was not really surprised to see that these witches are sticking together to protect their own. I was very sad to see that there were not that many Christians coming together to support those that were being trampled upon, so to speak. This is reality. This is the last days.

2 Timothy 3:2
Our God is more powerful and has won the war and we need to fight alongside the angels that are fighting in the heavens to win the battle of the individual souls. We do this by loving those who treat us mean, giving a gentle answer, avoiding a quarrel in hope that they will come to know Jesus and repent of their sins.

Join me in prayer as we fight alongside Jesus.



  1. Dear Child of God, Thank you! On so many different levels I can really relate to so much of what you have written. I am not perfect, infact I am so complicated that I thank God for friends that stick by me. God bless - Kerrie... Fighting the fight of faith.

  2. Hi Kerrie,
    There is the saying, 'blood is thicker than water', referring to family. When you think on this the shedding of Jesus' blood is what makes us brothers and sisters and I believe, since His blood redeems us then brothers and sisters in Christ are closer than family ties through physical birth.
    I am so happy that you have friends that stick by you. Praise God for this!!

    Fighting right along side of you sister,

  3. Thank you! What encouragement! What a call to stand together, UNITED, as ONE BODY IN CHRIST!

    I just voted up Mining for Diamonds! I'm not surprised by the witchy blogs being so glued-together. As a former member of such a world, I can tell you that they have a very tight knit bond, based around their lifestyle/religious choice.

    I pray for you, sister, such a strong prayer warrior-- strong in Jesus. I pray alongside you-- let us stand firm, lift our heads, and resist the devil!

    These are indeed the last days-- Jesus is coming soon!

  4. Hi Emily,

    Yes you would know! :) We live in an area where there is a lot of witches around. Funny story, about 10 years ago there was a lot of witch activity and there hang out happens to be 20 km as the bird flies from our place to theirs and one summer a lighting strike hit their area and burned only their area down! This was a year where we started really focusing in on prayer as the churches in our area started uniting together. :) God is good!

    Together we stand united under Jesus Christ, standing firm until He comes! Praise God!!!

    Oh, I put an update on Samuel. The biopsy came back clear! He is one healthy toddler. :)

  5. Thank you for the mention, Child of God, and for the vote, Emily!!! I had no idea what I had stepped into when I entered that contest. There apparently has been a lot of drama behind the scenes. I did debate briefly about whether to stay in or bow out...some folks did decide to leave, but I decided to stay. I don't even know why I entered in the first place, since I don't usually do stuff like that. But I guess you could say I was led to do so. I mentioned that I received an anonymous comment that I traced back to the contest and the tone of the comment gave away what direction it came from (I didn't post the comment). It just goes to show that satan is out to steal, kill, destroy, and try to bring dishonor to the name of Jesus and His people. We shouldn't be surprised when this happens, and it will happen more and more. But we are to continue to be a light, piercing the darkness, and stay faithful and true to Him!

    Thanks for your post and these Scriptures! I needed that first one today!!!

  6. Hi Kimberly,
    I am glad you stayed in that contest.
    It is sad to see how mean and spiteful people can be. We do need to be light piercing the darkness or else these people will be lost in the dark forever.

    Blessings girl,

  7. I'm so glad for that news about Samuel!!!! :) Praise the Lord!

  8. Great to see intercessors rise and take their place. I appreciate you all!

  9. Hi Emily,

    Yes this is cool news about Samuel!!

    Hi Greg,
    Thanks for stopping by and leaving such an uplifting comment. Praise God for intercessors!


  10. I love this. It's funny how we fight with love. Let's always be righteous in the sight of God in hopes that the Jesus within us will draw others to God.

  11. Hi Queen E,
    It is very funny fighting with love. :) God's ways are not our ways and I am so glad because His ways work!
    I agree with you on wanting to draw others to Jesus.

    Blessings girl,


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God Bless,