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“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
This is a tough word to take in and digest. Just yesterday during pre-church prayer time the Holy Spirit laid this prayer on my heart and a river of tears pour out from me causing everyone in the room to cry, not because of me but, I believe, because of the grieving from the Holy Spirit. How many people claim Jesus as Lord yet they really do not know Him. How many Christians are fooling themselves? One thing for sure and that is you cannot fool the Holy Spirit for He knows the essence of our heart and what motivates the drive within us.
All people have some sort of values they follow, but do they line up with God's values? Just take a look at the 10 commandments and what God cares about to know what His values are. As society changes the common values change also. We as Christians are to focus ourselves on putting God first and loving our neighbour, treating others the way we want to be treated. How many Christians actually do this? I know many people who claim Christianity yet they are sleeping around or living together with the opposite, or same sex in a marriage situation saying it is fine. Or what about the Christian business man who adjust the numbers on his income tax, is this right? Or the employee who takes from the employer saying he can do this because the company has lots and they deserve it. Is this not considered stealing? Sad, but I know of people who do this and they call themselves Christians. Oh how this grieves the Holy Spirit.
Our time here on earth is short and I believe Jesus will be returning soon to claim His church, do you believe you will be raptured along with His church? Or will you be left behind for the tribulation? Do you believe the people from the situations mentioned above will be rapture, or left behind? Obama is pushing the peace talks between Israel and Palestine. Could this be the signed peace treaty that the Bible talks about? If so, then it won't be long before Jesus returns. Will you be ready?
1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 NIV
Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.
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Now concerning a pre-trib rapture to a post-trib rapture, the Bible does not say directly what will happen, but I personally believe in pre-trib rapture for I believe God does not want to punish His church but those who refuse to honour Him. How, as Christians, do we honour Him? Know God and care about what He cares about and live by His rules. Feed the orphans, look after the widows, love your neighbour. When someone has angered you, forgive them and turn the other cheek. Walk an extra mile to help someone out and become a servant, a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. Stay away from immorality, adultery homosexuality, debauchery and such. When you sin seek forgiveness first from God then from the person you offended. God's rules are simple and easy to follow, repent and love.
Look at King David, he messed up a ton. He committed adultery, murder and took a census when he was told not to, showing that he didn't trust God's strength. Yet he was called a man after God's own heart. Why? Because when he did wrong he repented and took his sin to God for forgiveness and willingly took the punishment for the wrong he did. He lived in an active relationship with God. David is a very good example for us to follow.
Now what if you are not a Christian? Ask Jesus to be the Lord and Saviour of your life. Repent of your sins and ask the Holy Spirit to live inside of you and start living for Jesus. It really is not hard but we first need acknowledgement of the fact that no we are not good people we are sinners, every single one of us. The Google image that I have put up is one of the Tsunami that took place in Japan this past March. This will be nothing compared to what the tribulation will be like, believe me you don't want to be around for it. So please, Christians and non-Christians make yourself right with God soon. Make sure you have an active relationship with Jesus for there is no other way but through Jesus, that one can be saved from the devastation that will be coming to this earth.
Praying and praying,
What a great post! This is so true Jesus knows if we are truly serving him, he knows if we are living for him and his father, if we are doing the right things, living a christian life, he knows. This all is so true. Thanks for this post. I think everytime I read your posts I grow a bit closer to the Lord and for that I thank you so much.
Hi sweet Child of God,
ReplyDeleteOh!! Thank you soooo much for sharing the pictures of your beautiful animals with us, and for this awesome piece of inspirational message for this day, Child of God!!
I understand when you say that the Lord is guiding your footsteps, giving you the keys to open doors and so on. It happens to me too.
Of course, I am about to post the poem that I dedicate to you. I call it: "My Lighthouse at Sea."
I'll post it in my inspirational blog, Find the way in your life.
I enjoy reading your amazing blog, sweetheart.
The Lord be with you and those you love at all times.
Poet Starry.
Hi Summer,
ReplyDeleteI find it so cool that you are coming closer to God and I have a small part of that! Praise His Name! I am glad you liked this post.
Hi Starry Dawn,
I stopped by your blog and read your poem; beautiful! I just love it! You are so kind to dedicate it to me, I feel very honoured and special. This is so very thoughtful of you.
Blessings girls, thanks for stopping by.
Thanks for writing this Child of God.
ReplyDeleteI needed to read it!
I love reading your posts! They always make me think :) I feel the same way you do - that if we are leading a Christian life, we'll be ok in the end, as long as we LISTEN. I'm just hoping the end is a long ways off :)
ReplyDeleteHi Vilisi,
ReplyDeleteWe all need this all the time. I am forever having to humble myself. Not pleasant at the time but very freeing afterwards!
Hi Katy,
Nobody knows when the end will come but we can discern the times and it sure does look like it could be soon. I know people have been saying this for years, so it may still be many years off, but I do believe it will be in our lifetime for this is an awakening going on that hasn't happened in a very long time.
Thanks for stopping by, I am glad you liked this post! Blessings, sisters.
What a great piece! So very true that our end is near. It's so clear when one reads the Bible. We are living a time that follows right in line. So many think they are Christians but don't realize they are sinning, and not repenting, etc. Great reminder of to keep facing forward focusing on Him. Thank you and God Bless!
Hi Tammy,
ReplyDeleteSo many times people believe all you need to do is accept Jesus as Saviour and that is that! Not so, it is a minute by minute way of living always checking our motives because the heart can be very deceitful and I believe we can be tricked by our heart, just look at how Satan tricked Eve. :(
Blessings girl,
That verse gets me too. Imagine Jesus saying, "I never knew you!" Ouch!! But I thank you for sharing how we can prevent that from happening. I honestly do have a relationship with the Father. But if I were to hear Jesus say that He never knew me...that'd break my heart.
ReplyDeleteHi Queen E,
ReplyDeleteMe too! If Jesus said to me "I never knew you" I would crumble into a heap of tears.
Thanks for stopping by,
Thank you for this post Child of God.
ReplyDeleteAs children of God we all need this reminder. Yes this is a tough word to take in and this is the second time within 7 days, that I have heard teaching on the scriptures , that you have selected. It was the topic of our church sermon last Sunday and I therefore take it as God speaking to me personally.
I cannot ignore it!
It is sad to know that churches do not preach more often on this theme. As I read through the Ten Commandments, I was given a call to action – that I must read them more often and check myself against each and every one of them one. You have also led me to read and understand more about the rapture, as that too has come up in conversation recently.
God Bless you and may His face continue to shine on you, as you work for the kingdom with your Prayer Ministry.
Hi Carole,
ReplyDeleteGood for you!! Listening to the urging of the Holy Spirit, for me I obey on the third time I hear a word. I like your spunk on listening on the 2nd time, good message for me! :)
I believe the rapture is close, just reading the news, all the natural disasters and the happenings in the middle east warns us that the time is drawing to a close. It is wise of us to check our heart and our motives to make sure we are in alignment with God. Even if the rapture is still many years off it is a good way of living, very refreshing and energizing and it just makes you want more of Jesus! The more I have of Him the more I want. Living Water to quench our spiritual thirst, ahhh!
Thank you for this blessing on the ministry God has placed in my heart, I appreciate it very, very much.
Thank you Child of God for this most needed post. I have mediated many times on this scripture and others. I believe there are many who profess to be Christians, but in fact they are not. I believe like you that Jesus is coming soon for His church. I do not know how much time we have left, but we need to be ready.
Hi Ken,
ReplyDeleteThank you for all your prayers to the requests I have posted here. :)
This is such a tough passage indeed and like you, I have mulled this one over and over many times. We cannot judge the heart for no matter what the outward appearance may be the motive of the heart can be buried so deep that only Jesus, the author of our heart, can see it's true colour.
We need to be ready, waiting and watching for the coming of Jesus, or we may be left behind for the tribulation.
Hi Child of God -
ReplyDeleteThank you. This needed to be said as a reminder.
We so need to be vigilent about our Father's business. His Word informs us that He is not mocked...
Yes, I so love about David what you expressed. Truly, He was a man after GOD'S own heart.
May we fervently have souls that follow hard after GOD - Psalm 63:8-KJV.
Hi Sandra,
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I were just talking about lazy Christians and the seven churches mentioned in Revelations. I believe it is a wise idea to take a very close look at ourselves and examine the motive of our hearts. When I examine my heart I see many things that need to be cut out.