
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Gen 14; Prayers of the Righteous

Gen 14, Christian rap group.

There are so many prayers needed and many requests for this week alone. Prayer works and we are told if our heart is in right alignment with God and our sins are confessed to Him, He will answer our prayers. Hebrews 10:21-23

I want to thank all the prayer warriors out there who are praying for all of these requests I have put up. I praise God for sending you.

Ephesians 1:15-17 NIV
For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. 

Ephesians 6:17-19 NIV
Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 

1 Timothy 2:1-3 NIV
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior,

Thank you Jesus for prayer!


  1. Child of God, I do so appreciate your heart for intercession and for making us aware of these prayer needs. There are so many, it's so easy to get overwhelmed if we allow it! You definitely have a ministry in this area! I pray for God's peace, presence, power, strength, JOY, and healing touch for every person you presented on your blog this week!!! And also for the loved ones who are caring for them.

    BLess you!!!

  2. Hi Kimberly,
    Thanks for stopping by busy lady.

    Right now I am weighed down with these prayer needs, it seems to be occupying my mind for quite a while now. Still praying for a car. :)


  3. Hi Child of GOD -

    Thank you for your strong focus on prayer, dear lady of GOD.

    Prayer from pure hearts is immensely important. Pure prayers move GOD. Glory to His awesome holy name!

  4. Hi Sandra,

    When God has placed something on my heart and I obey Satan always attacks! I find I fail, often. :'( Then I have to go to God and confess my failure and sins. I am so thankful He is forgiving and will forgive many times over.

    You know something I have discovered during these times of failure and forgiveness? God understands, yes He wants me to be wearing the armour and stand against these attacks, but He understands how hard it is for He knows Satan well and how devious and sneaky he is.

    Thanks for stopping by,

  5. Hi COG~ Your gifting in intercession is important to the kingdom of God! Thank You so much for being such a blessing. You keeping all of us in the loop for prayer needs is so valuable and appreciated...A true blessing from God!!! I will be praying for you and all yours to be wrapped in protection as satan seems to always be around when we pray for others. Love & Light....Hugs and Blessings :)

  6. Hi IwP,
    Thank you for covering me and my family in prayer!! I so need tons of it because Satan is always attacking and trying to sneak in. :s
    I do find that if I pray in tongues he flees really fast! Just sometimes I forget.


  7. Good Morning, sweet Child of God!!
    You've got an interesting post.
    My way to say it is the fact that God listens to our prayers as true believers, when we pray with a faithful heart. He knows what we need before we do. The Lord will answer our prayers in His own timing, not our timing. God's will be done in all circumstances. We trust in our Savior, for He is our most precious Redeemer. Eternal Salvation comes through Him only.
    The Lord is my Shepherd, my lighthouse at sea, my refuge, my shelter in the darkest night, my best friend, my spiritual food, and that is all I need to live.
    Thank you for sharing your wisdom!
    God bless you always, Child of God.
    Poet Starry.

  8. Hi Starry Dawn,

    God sure does know what we need even before we pray, I think that is so cool! Yet He still asks us to pray continually. I believe prayer shuts down demonic activity and when we stop praying Satan can sneak his way in.

    I love how you said...

    The Lord is my Shepherd, my lighthouse at sea, my refuge, my shelter in the darkest night, my best friend, my spiritual food, and that is all I need to live.

    I believe this could be a great start to one of your beautiful poems.

    Blessings sister,

  9. I love your heart for intercessory prayer. My prayers are always so simple when I intercede, I feel like I may not be that good at it... I stand (quietly) in agreement with all the intercessory prayers uttered here on this blog!

  10. Hi Emily,

    My prayers are very simple too. It is not the words that count but the heart.
    If your heart is in it then the Holy Spirit takes those words and gives them to God and He hears.

    Thanks for standing with me!


  11. Great post. Prayer is so vital. Blessings.

  12. Hi JBR,
    Prayer is key! Hugs sweet girl.

  13. Hello special Treasure. I learned a new way of coming against evil spirits this week, and it is working. My son has been under such oppression and all the prayers and annointing seemed to have no effect. Then it came to me for him to stand and look right into his own eyes in a mirror and rebuke all the different spirits in Jesus name himself. After this I got him to keep looking in the mirror and offering thanks and praise to God for deliverance.. slowly he is now recovering.
    I praise Father God for His love and greatness. Hugs CM x

  14. Hi Crystal Mary,
    Praise God you discovered this! I would never have thought about that but it sure does make sense.

    I am so glad he is recovering, this is a miracle. I will continue to pray for him and you. Hang tight and cling to the promises of Jesus.

    Praying for you sister, hugs,

  15. Oh!! Sweet Child of God,
    I truly feel that you are an awesome lady, Child of God. I feel at peace every time I visit your site and read your posts. I have just got in here to read your reply to my little note. Of course, I shall soon write a new poem with an opening sentence after your kind advice to me. I shall post it in my inspirational blog, "Find the way in your life."
    I'll dedicate my new poem to my dear sister in the Lord and blogger friend from Canada, Child of God. Perhaps, I'll take a few days to complete my poem. I am glad you read my poetry site and inspirational messages. I've joined your site and read your posts with a happy heart.
    The peace of the Lord be with you, Child of God, and those you love.
    In God's Garden,
    Poet Starry Dawn.

  16. Hi Starry Dawn,

    How kind of you to dedicate a poem to me!
    I am so happy that you enjoy this blog and find it peaceful. This is a great compliment to me as this shows me that I am being obedient to God's voice and I am hearing Him correctly.

    I will be looking forward to reading this new poem of yours. You have a gift and it is so nice to see that you honour Him with it.

    Blessings to you and yours sister,


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God Bless,