
Friday, May 13, 2011



This sweet girl is going through a rough season right now and sure could use some loving. Summer over at Summer's Story, has put up a linky to support Emily. Please show her some love by making a post for her and saying something nice about this sweet 16 year old and link back to Summer's blog so Emily can see all of the love for her alone.

Emily, from what I can gather from knowing you since October 2010 is that you are one tough girl with a heart that loves God and her family a lot. Throughout this fight against cancer I have noticed that you haven't given up or become bitter and angry towards God. Your love and understanding of Him has grown and this is shaping you into the person He created you to be. Hang in there girl you can do this! Don't give up just pray more!

Joshua 1:8-9 NIV

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” 

2 Corinthians 4:17-18 NIV

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.  

Emily, I was going to write down a prayer for you but I have the feeling that God wants me to tell you what He thinks of you through me. So this is what I am doing...I am praying to God and I am writing down all that He is telling me to say to you.

Dear child, My sweet dear child. Do you know how much I love you? Sit and listen to My love. My love for you goes beyond the universe it stretches beyond the unknown to man. My love for you has no beginning and no end. It is deeper than the oceans and is fuller than a hot air balloon. My daughter look at Me, keep your eyes fixed on Me always for My path and ways are the true way. It may be scary and dark at times but what you cannot see is the fulfillment of good that I am accomplishing through your work here on this earth. I am accomplishing a lot through your life. When you keep your focus on Me and your faith rooted in My word then I can go beyond your reach and touch those in need of My love. I AM reaching lots of people through your testimony to Me. There is a girl that reads your blog and she doesn't know Me but she will come into a relationship with Me through your obedience to Me. 

Daughter, this trial you are going through is hard right now but trust Me, I am always with you walking beside you. Your smile brings great joy to me and I love the way you laugh, did you know that? Your laughter makes my stomach flutter and my heart swell. The tears you cry, I have collected them all for they are very precious to me. Fear not I am looking after you and I cherish you, you are my precious daughter.
Google Image
Love Dad. 

Praying for you Emily and sending you lots and lots of love from Canada!!


  1. Oh this was so beautiful! That prayer was the most amazing prayer I have ever read! I am still crying from the last post I read now I am crying more! Thank you so much for doing this post for Emily! I am truly moved by it as I know she will be and thanks for always being their to pray when needed

    your friend and sister in CHRIST Summer

  2. Hi Summer,

    Our God is an Awesome God He IS!

    You too dear, I am glad you did this for Emily, it is a great idea! Bless your heart for being so sensitive to the needs of others.

    Your sister and friend in Jesus always and forever!

  3. That was just lovely. What an awesome Father we have!! How wonderful of you to post it. :)

    PS-- Not melanoma! :) Praise the Lord!

  4. Hi Emily,

    Really? Not melanoma?! Awesome!! Party time!! Woot praise God!


  5. What a beautiful post for Emily sister, so beautiful! Our Father's words so true, He loves His Princess and is shaping her heart even through her trials.

    Hugs and love...

  6. Hi Lisa,
    I think this was a great idea Summer had, setting this up for Emily. Focusing on positive uplifting character traits makes for a happy heart on the giving and receiving end.

    Hugs and love sis,


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God Bless,