
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

WARNING graphic picture

Isaiah 53:4-6 NIV
Surely He took up our pain and bore our suffering,
yet we considered Him punished by God,
   stricken by Him, and afflicted.
But He was pierced for our transgressions,
   He was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on Him,
   and by His wounds we are healed. 
We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
   each of us has turned to our own way;
and the LORD has laid on Him
   the iniquity of us all.

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Oh that stings! Each of us has turned to our own way yet He still loved us enough to suffer the humility and pain of the cross.

I really believe in supernatural healing I have been witness to it. It says it right here; He was pierced for our transgressions, (misbehavior, wrongdoing, disobedience, sin) He was crushed, (trodden, flatten, trampled), for our iniquities, (wickedness, crime, evil); the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds we are healed.

The suffering Jesus did on the cross made us pure in the sight of God, when we accept His gift of salvation we have nothing that is baring our way to His throne. Our soul is made right and our bodies can heal because sickness is a by product of sin. Jesus heals and we need to believe this. The power of the Holy Spirit, the Counselor, is available to all who seek it. But we cannot get hold of this power if we hang on to self, we have to deny self and walk in the way of Jesus and His way is the opposite from the world. 

Not all healing that comes is physical but might be a spiritual healing, a removing of the cancer from our soul. When we hang onto past hurts and anger, when we cling to unforgiveness then sickness can come into our bodies. When we forgive and let go of the wrong done to us then we allow the Spirit to come in and heal us. This may show up as a spiritual healing or may manifest in a physical healing or both. But sometimes even though we plead with Jesus to heal us He won't because some infirmities of the body can keep us from straying off from His path. Paul asked Jesus to remove his affliction but was told no three times.

2 Corinthians 12:8-10 NIV

Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 

Jesus told us to bear our cross and walk in His footsteps. We will be persecuted and ridiculed for Him but if we ask Him to fill us with the Joy of the Lord, He will. The power that lives in us is bigger and stronger than the power that is in the world. If only we believe in His words and would trust His ways then we could allow this power that dwells within to flow out through our words and actions. Every time we get angry or sin we nil and void the power of the Holy Spirit, but if we keep seeking and asking and denying self, the Holy Spirit will come in and fill us up and flow out.

Keep the faith and trust in Him. Ask and you will receive for it is His promise to us not to be disappointed but to be overfilled with the Joy of the Lord.



  1. Shalom, Child of God:)

    in regards to this post...\o/

  2. Hi Child of God -

    Great words of assurance and wisdom. Thank you.

    You expressed, "Jesus told us to bear our cross and walk in His footsteps. We will be persecuted and ridiculed for Him but if we ask Him to fill us with the Joy of the Lord, He will. The power that lives in us is bigger and stronger than the power that is in the world."

    Those words are deeply encouraging. Your love for our Lord, and His people, is so appreciated.

  3. Hi my sweet friend across the miles...
    I was at the hospital 2 days ago having a check up to see how things are. The doctor wanted to admit me because there has been more rapid deterioration in my breathing, I can barely move. The day before I went to hospital I stood up and lost control of my left side, I nearly fell down but managed to save myself.
    The smallest of things wear me out, I can barely talk much, or eat much.
    I refused the admission because I want to be at home with my family and the doctors have already said there is nothing they can do except make me comfortable.

    God makes me comfortable sis, for even though I bear these diseases, He still takes care of me in every way imaginable. He is the comforter of my soul and without Him I could not walk a single step of this journey. His healing is the healing of my heart, He flows out of me to others, without Him I could never have let go of my past to embrace my future with my King.

    Even in the midst of my suffering there is so much peace and so much joy that the Lord has given me. He has taken care of all my needs physically and spiritually. I have no fear...and a wonderful sense of calmness that comes not of this world but from the Lord Jesus.

    Thank you my sweet friend and sister for always uplifting me in prayer, for your strength and love for the are such a blessing and encouragement to me.

    Hugs and smiles...


  4. Hi Sojourner,
    Smiles. =D

    Hi Sandra,
    I am greatly encouraged by our Lord for the more I search for His face the more I find and He fills, oh wow He fills!

    Hi Lisa,
    I am so sorry that you are having such a rough time and breathing is such a labor for you my sister friend.
    Your faith and trust in God really encourages me and I am sure many others too. You are a blessing.

    I praise God that you feel His calmness and peace, what a wonderful gift! I praise Him that you are able to minister to others in this pain and suffering you are dear!

    I won't stop praying for you and lifting you up. I am going to a prophetic conference tomorrow, (my Friday), with Heidi Baker and I am seeking her to intercede with me for you and for Summer.

    Praying and praying sis!

    Love and hugs,


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God Bless,