
Friday, April 8, 2011

Power in the Name




JEHOVAH ROPHE                          I AM

  WORD                    SHEPHERD            DOVE

                 JUDGE        WATER            HEALER

 COMFORTER              LIGHT                                                                       STONE
                          SPIRIT OF TRUTH
                                 MESSIAH          FIRE
                    NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES 

                     J E S U S  C H R I S T

Isaiah 44:6-8 NIV

“This is what the LORD says—
   Israel’s King and Redeemer, the LORD Almighty:
I am the first and I am the last;
   apart from me there is no God.
Who then is like me? Let him proclaim it.
   Let him declare and lay out before me
what has happened since I established my ancient people,
   and what is yet to come—
   yes, let them foretell what will come.
Do not tremble, do not be afraid.
   Did I not proclaim this and foretell it long ago?
You are my witnesses. Is there any God besides me?
   No, there is no other Rock; I know not one.”  

He is coming! Do you know HIM?



  1. I love this my the video, the scripture!
    So powerful are His names, so beautiful.

    Yes He is coming!! Soon!
    Thank you for posting this sis!!



  2. Just wanted to let you know, my Dad did another post...talking about some of the points you brought up in the comment on my blog. Please read it, and let me know what you think of it :)

    Have a blessed Saturday!!!

  3. Hi Lisa,
    This past little while I have been over whelmed by the power of His name. He is bubbling out all over!! :)

    Hi Kaboom,
    I sure will read what your dad posted. I didn't realize he had a blog. I am looking forward to reading it.


  4. Oh- I'm sorry I didn't make it clear that he's my Dad :) I love learning from him!

  5. Kaboom you are one blessed child!! To have a dad full of the Holy Spirit and on fire for the truth of God. Learn well for I am sure he has a fountain of information for you.


  6. Thank you my beautiful Sister in Christ for this wonderful post!!!

    Love in Christ Jesus to you sis,


  7. Hi Lon,
    There is power in His Name!

    Love in Christ,

  8. I know Him and want to know HIm more. To grow and mature serving the Lord, our God. To see and do His purposes in the world for His glory. Praise be to God.

  9. Yes there is power in the Name of Jesus!

  10. Hi Brian,
    I too want to know Him more and more. It seems I just can't get enough.

    Hi Ken,
    I get shivers at the sound of His names!



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God Bless,