
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Prayer Fast

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I was just reading Summer's blog, Summer's Story and she has asked for prayer. The DM is out of control and raging in her joints and looks like she might be heading into the JHU Hospital for a 3 day stay to be pulsed with huge amounts of steriods. Dangerous stuff! I immediately felt pressed to head straight into a fast. If you feel led by the Spirit would you join me? Pray about it, seek Him and find out His will. If not then pray for our dear sweet sister, she really needs our prayers right now.

CPR--Commit, Petition and Rely on the Holy Spirit

Ezra 8:23 NIV
So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, 
and He answered our prayer.

Thank you and God bless,


  1. Lord God please position Your powerful healing hands over Summer giving her a grand miracle of healing for her right away in Your name I ask and pray Lord Jesus! Amen!

  2. I join my heart with Lon's prayer Father, Your powerful healing hands to rest upon Summer and heal her in Your name Jesus amen.

    Thanks Lon!

  3. You are amazing thank you so much! I feel so comforted by prayers...I will let you know as soon as everything gets scheduled

    love your sister in christ

  4. Summer,
    I am just crying for you, real tears. I know how much this hurts and I so want this to be done for you.
    You rest in Him we are praying for you sis.

  5. We've been praying for her too!

  6. Praying for Summer's healing!

  7. I will be praying for Summer.

    I cannot begin to even thank you for praying for my Samuel. There is such comfort knowing that those around you are covering your son and family in prayer. Thank you so much, really -- you have blessed me greatly.

    With much love,


  8. Sisters in Christ:
    Vilisi, R&K, Barbie and Rachel,

    Thank you for joining your hearts in prayer for Summer! I thank our Father for your wonderful fellowship.

    I am so honoured to pray for Samuel and your family. Really, I believe there is no better honour then to get down on my knees and bring people to the throne of God and ask Him to touch them. It blesses me greatly.
    I am so glad to hear that Samuel is on the way to recovery. Praise God!!!


  9. Praying for healing and peace with the hospital visit for summer in the mighty name of Jesus:) I will keep her in prayer during my sunday fast tommorow:)

  10. I just stopped and lifted Summer up in prayer.
    In Jesus' name amen.

  11. Toyin and Old Geezer,

    Thank you for joining your hearts in this cry to our Lord.



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God Bless,