
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

L.O.V.E. Challenge Day 9 --Favourite Candy or Flowers--

Google Image
My favourite candy and flowers would be Summer time candy!! (Pun intended)   :)

                  HAPPY BIRTHDAY  

Today is Summer's birthday so let's all wish this really sweet girl a Happy Birthday. Here's hoping that this year will be pain free and 100% into remission!

Praying and praying for you Sums.

Ok, so what does Summer time candy and flowers look like to me?

Google Image Cotton Candy

Google Image Popsicles

Google Image Fire Weed

I know I broke the rules here and didn't follow the pattern of Valentines but.......I think it's ok! ;)

Psalm 136:1-9 NIV

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good.
His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the God of gods.
His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the Lord of lords:
His love endures forever.  
to him who alone does great wonders,
His love endures forever.
who by his understanding made the heavens,

His love endures forever.
who spread out the earth upon the waters,

His love endures forever.
who made the great lights—

His love endures forever.
 the sun to govern the day,
His love endures forever.  
the moon and stars to govern the night;
His love endures forever



  1. I love cotton candy! I broke the rules a little too, it's ok :)

  2. haven't had cotton candy in ages!

  3. I too haven't had cotton candy in ages, I find now that I am older it is a bit on the sweet side for me, but when I was young it was something that I always looked forward to.


  4. I am praying for Summer, and I pray that she has a wonderful birthday!!! Thank you for sharing our God's awesome Word!!!

    God Bless you sis,


  5. hmmm...cotton it !
    Will certainly be praying for your friend, Summer...And aren't we blessed, for His mercy endures forever...)))smiles)))

  6. Hi Lon,
    Thanks!!!! :)His love endures forever! Praise God.

    Hi Mary,
    Thanks for the prayers and we are so blessed. I wonder if they make coffee flavoured cotton candy?


  7. Coffee flavoured cotton candy...I could go for that. :)

  8. Hi Vilisi,
    I think it could be a hit, coffee flavoured cotton candy.


  9. Hey girl,
    Thanks so much for this post! I commented on it yesterday but um blogger doesn't like me lol...this was so sweet! Thanks so much


  10. Hi Summer,
    No way! Really?? I never received a message that you commented..wierd. Well I have noticed that blogger can have some glitches like people posting and I never even noticed they posted until a few days later, I always just thought it was my sight but now I see it is bloggers fault.

    Well I know you had a wonderful day and I hope you have an awesome year.



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God Bless,