
Sunday, February 6, 2011

L.O.V.E. Challenge Day 6 -Valentines Gift-

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11 lb Bernard Callebaut chocolate bar AND
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Red Roses!!

Song of Solomon 4:9-10 NIV

You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride;
   you have stolen my heart
with one glance of your eyes,
   with one jewel of your necklace.
 How delightful is your love, my sister, my bride! 

My husband and I are not big on gifts for each other but every now and then he brings home some flowers, usually roses, and a BIG chocolate bar. I hear, from my son, there is another massive chocolate bar on its way here from the big ol state of Texas. Yumm!!

Summer's Story
Summer has been such an amazing hostess for this 14 day Love Challenge. Thank you Summer I think you are awesome!

Peace in Him,


  1. 11 POUNDS?! Oh my!!!! And two of them! You'll be riding high, lol! I'm not a flower person at all, and I usually buy Valentine chocolate on Feb. 15 because it's on sale 1/2 off! I know, totally unromantic. My husband is a very fortunate man, because I'm not big into Valentines or gifts or flowers. It's a good thing because he's not real big into giving them, lol! We usually go to our favorite hangout, Barnes and Noble, for coffee and company!

    I love the verses from S.O.S.! I forget how romantic and love filled those verses are! :)

  2. Haha, that sounds like my parents! My Dad comes through the door with roses behind his back, and surprises Mom (and you can't forget the *gigantic* chocolate bar hidden amongst them;)

  3. Hi Kimberly & Kaboom,

    I usually get these treats sporadically throughout the year and usually not on the date of a special event! :) These huge chocolate bars use to last a long time but my son is in some major growing years and he gobbles everything up very quickly.


  4. 11 lbs of chocolate um yummmmmmmmy....:) that is a great gift and roses awwwww how sweet hope you get that big ole' choco bar this year too!!

    Girl when I saw you linked up this morning I got a big smile on my face! Your blog is such a breath of fresh air to me and I am so glad we have "met" on here and become "bloggy friends"! I think you are awesome too girl!! Your strength and love to the LORD amazes me and inspires me to grow closer to him each and every day! I love to read scriptures you post on here and listening to that Sela song yesterday rocked!!

    Thank you for being so sweet to me, being such a cheerleader during my fight with DM and being such a great sister in christ


  5. Hi Summer,
    Ahhh you brought tears to my eyes! Thank you for your kind words. I am ecstatic that you are growing closer to the Lord that makes my day! Bless you Summer for you are a special shinning star in the eyes of our God and I hope and pray that this silly ol DM is gone from your body forever!

    In Him,

  6. Yummy, I really like chocolate now and then! My wife loves flowers and I like them too! But if I had a choice I would take the chocolate bar!

    God's Blessings,


  7. Massive chocolate bar from Texas...hmmmm....that sounds so good. Don't eat a lot of candy any more but I still love it. Love today's scripture...Blessings..

  8. Hi Lon,
    The first time my husband surprised me with a huge chocolate bar he said something like, "I'm sorry, I didn't buy you anything but a chocolate bar." He then proceeded to hand me an 11 lb bar. I was shocked for I didn't know you could get a bar of solid chocolate that big!


    Hi Mary,
    Yes, as it turned out it wasn't a huge bar but 11 lbs of chocolate circles, easy for baking and melting down.


  9. 11 lbs! Sounds like pure chocolate bliss!

  10. Hi Joyful Chaos,
    It sure is a lot of chocolate and use to last a really long time but my son is growing and these bars are disappearing quickly!!

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