
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

14 Day L.O.V.E Challenge

Summer's Story
Summer over at Summer's Story is hosting a 14 Day of L.O.V.E. Challenge and I thought I would join this sweet girl. Join in if you feel so inclined....below are the rules for this challenge......

'Anywho the idea of my 14 Day of L.O.V.E. Challege is to post a picture that reminds you of love, a photo of your love, a photo of your kiddo dressed in cuteness for love month, someone you want to remember who you love, a quote of love, a picture of randoms that remind you of love, your valentine's decor, anything really and you can link up one day or all 14 days of my challenge.... Just include a different picture for each day you link up and you can 'splain about it or not it's totally up to you....just have it related to L.O.V.E....LOL :)'

Google Image

 Song of Solomon 1:2-3, 9-11

Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth—
   for your love is more delightful than wine.
 Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes;
   your name is like perfume poured out.

I liken you, my darling, to a mare
   among Pharaoh’s chariot horses.
 Your cheeks are beautiful with earrings,
   your neck with strings of jewels.
 We will make you earrings of gold,
   studded with silver. 


  1. You are so awesome!

    This is such an amazing picture of love and the verse is awesome....

    Wow you totally got this challenge!!
    Thanks so much for joining in with me and praying for me....

    love in Christ

  2. Hi Summer!!!!

    Ah dear, sweet Summer I sure do love you! This is a cool challenge and I am glad you started it.

    Always praying for you sis,

  3. That really is . . . a beautiful picture!!!

    God's Blessings to you,


  4. Hi Lon, I love the picture too.

    God bless brother,

  5. I love that picture!

    Thanks for stopping by our blog :)

  6. Hi Child of God -

    Thank you for this. It is refreshment indeed.

    Your addition of Song of Solomon was precious to me, in particular, because earlier this morning I heard a message from Song of Solomon.

  7. Hi Ross and Katy,
    Thanks for stopping by!!

    Hi Sandra,
    Cool! Are you going to make a post on what you heard?


  8. Hey girl,
    That wasn't a silly question I was totally the same way when I started doing a Blog Carnival....yup you have to link up everyday....I know I'm totally making ya'll do more work hahahah

    but with the linky thing it closes off and makes you reopen each day


  9. Haha! Ok Summer no problem I will do this.


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God Bless,