
Saturday, January 15, 2011


Everybody who has been so faithful in praying for Summer please head over to her blog and read some awesome news on how our God is healing her!!

Summer is on her way into remission and I am so happy for this sweet lady really deserves it! Please drop her a line of encouragement and rejoice with her in this delightful news.

Please continue to pray for Summer for she still has a way to go. Pray that she has 100% remission and her body returns to normal.                                             Google Image

God Bless,


  1. Awesome! Thanks for sharing this great news!

  2. You are soooo sweet to me! I have tears in my eyes of how sweet you have been to pray with me, to be a true sister in Christ! Thank you soooo much!

    God is Good!!


  3. Summer, I have tears of joy I am so happy for you!! I am going to tell my church family for many of them have been covering you in prayer ever since I found out about you and fasted.

    God is good!

    @Dakota, yes amen. Awesome indeed!

  4. I am so thankful to our God for this good news, and I will keep praying for more good news for our sister in Christ (Summer)!!!!!!!!!!

    God Bless!!!


  5. Lon, isn't He wonderful?!

    God Bless you for praying!

  6. I am overjoyed at God's healing touch on Summer!

  7. Barbie, doesn't this just thrill you to the core?

    God Bless,

  8. Child of God, thank you for sharing these praise reports and prayer requests, and bringing to our attention those with great needs. I am especially praying for Joanne, her story was brought to my attention through another blog, and it is reaching all across cyberspace! I have another link to share with you...a young mom newly diagnosed with breast cancer and recently started chemo. The attitude with which she is facing this trial is so upbeat and encouraging, and yet I know she would appreciate all the prayers she can get!

    Blessings to you! (and thank you for stopping by my blog and all of your lovely comments!)

  9. Patricia,
    Thanks for stopping by! I will definitely pray for this woman with cancer, thanks for pointing her out to me.

    God bless,

  10. SORRY...not Patricia but
    I guess that is what I get for not checking out my resources before I push send. :s

    Sorry Kimberly!


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God Bless,