
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Miracles Do Happen

Faith and obedience to prayer saved this man's life. This is the type of obedience we need towards God and He will answer.
May God bless you richly as you watch this really cool video.


  1. Thank you so very much for sharing this miracle with me!!! This truly is a miracle!!! I had my wife watch this with me, she too knows this is a miracle!!!

    I never did a post on my blog about what I am about to tell you, but twelve years ago my wife found me dead with no heart rate!!! She put her hands on me and called out to our Lord Jesus Christ and that is why I am still here today!!! All I remember is waking up in the hospital with her there by my side.

    God Bless!!!


  2. Hey Lon that is so cool!! Praise our God for raising the dead and the faith your wife had in praying over you.

    My husband is a respirologist and critical care physician and he prays for all of his patients. He has stepped forth in obedience to Christ and many, many miracles have happened. One just like in this video, he was part of and it is really funny for me, although this is not my husband, this very senerio has happened to him on a few occasions.

    I sure would love, if you don't mind, for you to share your experience on your blog.

    God Bless you bro and I praise God for sparing your life because you have encouraged me tons and I am very sure you have touched the lives of many others.

  3. What an amazing story. Thanks for sharing. God is so good!

  4. Hi Child of God -

    Thank you so much for posting this video. I had seen the doctor tell this story but had never seen the patient tell his part. Truly a blessing to hear them both speak of this miracle from GOD!

    Interesting that you posted this miracle story and I posted a miracle story today. GOD is truly amazing and awesome!

  5. @Sheila,
    Thank you for stopping by and, I see, joining my blog! God is so good!

    I will stop by your blog and check out the miracle story you posted. I really believe that we need to share these stories for encouragement.

    I was really blessed by this video. My husband is very privileged to be a witness to miracles like this all the time. He is a physician that prayes for all of his patients and he was seen many people that died or should have died been raised up by our powerful God.

    God Bless,

  6. That's amazing. Who says God doesn't heal? Thanks for sharing!

  7. @Dakota,
    God is really amazing and I am falling in love with Him more and more every day! Take a look I put up your blog button. Looks fantastic!

    God Bless,

  8. Thank you for your prayers for my Samuel. I am so grateful. And thank you for the info regarding celiac. I'm just going to have to take this one step at a time -- and having hope and faith!

    God's blessings to you!


  9. @Rachel,
    You are very welcomed! As brothers and sisters in Christ we need to stick together as His body and help each other out. I am glad that I can pray for your son.
    Ask God and He will reveal it to you and then you can deal with this.

    God Bless,

  10. Hello dear Sister, You will get many replies to this today. I pray many get to listen. Since we cannot attend church today due to the floods, I will be passing this around. As a retired Emergency room Sister, I know what it is like to fight for someones life. As a spirit fill Christian I believe in the power of prayer AND Life after death experiences. I have read so much about it. Death is simply walking from this realm into the next. When we believe in the Risen Savour, it is a going home. When we don't it is VERY bad!!! God Bless your sharing. xx Crystal

  11. @Crystal Mary,
    I am sure that being an emergency room nurse you have seen tons of cool stuff. My husband is a respirologist, critical care physician and he has witnessed this happen many times. Each time he is humbled and realizes that all comes from God and he gives God all the glory.
    Most people don't see this happen therefore don't believe. Stories like this really need to get out.

    God bless you sister and I am really hoping there is an end to the flooding soon. I am contemplating a fast, I just need to be sure.

    In Him,

  12. Child of God, I have watched this video previous to your post several times.

    Each time I watch it, I am amazed at how it builds up my faith in the power of God and illustrates that He wants to release MORE of His power through His children. If only we would be obedient.

    We must believe that our God is the same yesterday, today and forever more and that He is a miracle working God and that His Word works!!

    Praise the Lord!!

  13. Hi Carole,

    Yes, I agree obedience is the key. Jesus was obedient to the point of death and He conquered! He left us that power in His mighty name we need only to step out in faith and trust His out come.

    God bless,


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God Bless,