
Monday, January 10, 2011

Humility Grown out of Love and Obedience to God

In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because,
                                                                "God opposes the proud
                                                           but shows favour to the humble."
1 Peter 5:5 NIV

                                                               Google Image

This verse clashes with our society. Few of the younger generation wish to submit themselves to the older generation. The older becomes prideful, resentful and the younger fill up with arrogance and self-importance. Satan wants to divide generations and families and God wants harmony and humbleness.

Sad, really, as I see this not only in secular families but strong Christian families as well. We live in a rebellious time; children rebel against parents, wives against husbands, husbands against employers, employers against the government and the government against God. God stands firm on what is right and wrong and the rebellion continues to swirl. This is a vicious circle, a chasing of the tail. How does it stop? Humility grown out of love and obedience for God can be the only solution to this age old blight.

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
1 Peter 5:6-7 NIV

Humbling yourself and waiting for God to vindicate you can be tough. I have been there and either pride gets in the way before God defends me or my sharp tongue and anger lets loose. Every time I wait on God He steps in and resolves things in a way I couldn't even imagine. When we cover ourselves in pride then Satan has a foothold into our lives and the vicious circle becomes bigger and similar loops of unruly feelings develop until we are swamped by anger, hatred and self righteousness. This has to stop and the only way is through humbleness.

There are many definitions for humble in and the one I like is the destroy the independence, power, or will of. Humbleness does not mean you think lowly of yourself no that would be what Satan wants. God wants you to know who you are in Him, a child of the King co-heir along side of Jesus. When we realize who we are in Christ Jesus then the vicious circle of pride and rebelliousness will stop and security in knowing we are children of the Most High King floods in.

When conflict arises someone needs to make the first move in maturity and it should be the older generation, humbling themselves for they have more wisdom and experience and then the younger should submit in humbleness to the authority of the older if what they say lines up with the word of God.

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Jesus is an amazing teacher for He humbled Himself for all generations by giving up the kingdom for us. What an awesome leader we have, now we just need to walk in His footsteps.

God Bless,


  1. This is a wonderful post Child of God!!! I praise our God for this post you put out!!! And I love those two photos!!! Thank you so very much for sharing this with me!!! God must be taking hold of your hand as well, because the way you write, is very . . . powerful!!!

    God's Blessings to you and your family!!!


  2. @Lon,
    Thank you for this compliment for I am not a writer as I have mentioned before, I really struggle. This is from God and I think it is cool that you notice. :) I need to ask Him what it is He wishes for me to say then wait for Him to give it to me. Sometimes a post will be days in the making just because it doesn't read smoothly. Haha, yes He is holding my hand!


    @ Mary,
    Thanks for stopping by and I am so glad it made sense! :)



  3. What a beautiful post! Thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog about my daughter. I needed to hear those words.

  4. @ Angela,

    Thanks for stopping by! We need to support each other and what I said is true. Your daughter is precious and you don't have to believe all that these doctors say because sometimes it is just easier for them to label then treat. My husband will have patients come into his office showing all the signs of COPD or a heart attack. He will spend time talking to them and 5 times out of 10 they were just really stressed out or they had a huge sin they were holding on to. When they talked and got the problem out their symptoms disappear! Seriously!
    If you want to talk more about this you can email me. My email can be found on the contact page of this blog.

    God Bless,

  5. You are so right about allowing Satan to have a foothold on our lives when we cover ourselves with pride. It is crucial that we learn to humble ourselves, because if we don't... then God most certainly will! Thank you for sharing these thoughts. It is a much needed word in this day and age.

    -- Taylor

  6. Taylor, I really don't like it when God has to humble me, it is sooooo much easier if I do it myself! :)

    Still praying for your dad every day.

  7. http://islandmusings-shuni.blogspot.comJanuary 12, 2011 at 7:41 PM

    I like your reference to the 'Whatever' word. :)

    "Humbling yourself and waiting for God to vindicate you can be tough."
    I couldn't agree more. It can be a rough journey this one, and unfortunately I have been on it more times than I care to relate.
    I've always looked upon waiting as an issue of trust (which it is) but I've enriched my understanding of it by reading this article, esp. paragraphs 3 & 4. I have gained a fresh understanding of 1 Peter 5: 6-7. I'll be reading this over again.Waiting in quietness and trust (no fretting) is an act of humility to God. Acting independently of God is pride.

    When someone unfairly maligned my character recently, it caused me and mine so much anxiety. You want to right it right away! It left us wounded and bewildered. And angry.

    But I am learning to choose humility and trust along with forgiveness. To choose to wait for God's timing and God's higher way of correcting things. It's so much better than agitating. Waiting - it's an art! It's a weapon against the enemy!

    Thank you for shedding more light on the humility aspect of waiting on/for God. Much appreciated indeed. Blessings to you.

  8. Hello Islandmusing, welcome! :)

    I will hold you up in prayer. Waiting on His timing is really hard to do and this is something that I am learning. Everytime I wait for God to vindicate me He does it in a way that I step back and say WOW! His way is so perfect and makes me feel so content. It is just hard when you are in the thick of it, to wait.

    God Bless,

  9. Hello Child of God, just stopping by to say thanks for your wonderful comment on my blog. I love you visits and I escpecially love visiting you ! !

  10. Mary, you are welcome!

    God Bless you today sister,

  11. Hi Child of GOD -

    Thank you for this much needed message. Truly we need to heed it.

  12. Hi Sandra, thank you for stopping by. Did you notice the Bible tool I have on the left sidebar above 'Friends'? If you click on it you can case the Bible translation you like then select save. Then you can read the verses I have picked out in the translation you enjoy. When I saw this addition to the Reftagger that Dakota from A Look at life from a Deerstand's blog I thought of you and how much you enjoy the King James version, so I added to my blog.

    God Bless you sister,

  13. Hi, dear friend!
    I have decided to shut down my blog....but you can keep in touch at my email address:

    This post is the exact reason why I am shutting down my blog....would rather be a "nothing" for Jesus, than a "something" for my purposes! Much love ~ alice

  14. Hi Alice,
    I am sad to hear about the closure of your blog but I do understand. Thank you for your email, I will keep in contact for I really want to know how your exams go and keep up with my sister!!

    I am so glad we have met and know I have been praying for you lots.

    Love and hugs with a holy kiss in Christ Jesus,


Hello! Thanks for leaving a comment, it sure does brighten my day. Please remember to keep the comments God honouring and click 'Subscribe by Email' as I always reply to comments.
God Bless,