
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How does your garden grow?

Man's garden
This past week has been a week full of prayer for people in need and there have been times that I felt I wasn't praying enough or in the right way; I felt inadequate. Yesterday I was at a loss and was feeling very overwhelmed by the weight of my brothers and sisters who are suffering. To top it off I was having a few family issues to deal with and as I prayed my mind was flying from one prayer request to another without even completing the previous. Seriously, I was stopping mid word to only start praying for someone else. I cannot say that I felt the responsibility of the weight on my shoulders, no; it is on God's shoulders but I just didn't feel like I was praying properly.

God is so faithful and He reminded me that it was the Spirit of God leading me in prayer for those He loves and cares about. Romans 8:26-27 NIV

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God. 

Really how could I forget this?! Satan and his sneaky ways came in and aimed his fiery arrows at the right spot in me to make me question myself. He made me feel inadequate with myself in prayer so I would give up and focus on me and feel bad about myself! But, God is in control and He showed me that this was His leading and His Spirit took up where I left off and jumped into another urgent prayer. I have been in prayer groups where the Spirit is thick and when I start praying He will lead me all over the map and someone who is a bystander would think me a little more than scattered brained but God knows exactly what I  am saying for He is the one directing.
God's garden

Abandoning ourselves to God can be a very scary thing as we let go of control and give it to Him. I love how Paul Young, author of 'The Shack' likens it to a wildflower garden planted by God as opposed to a flower garden planted by man. This image, for me, is very powerful in trying to understand how God directs and leads. People like to have things organized in straight lines and patterns but God doesn't do things the way man does. Just look at nature and you see the wild beauty of God. God likes to come in and dig up man's garden, which by the way really can hurt, then when the soil is well worked He throws a handful of flower seeds everywhere. When they take root and grow the beauty that beholds the eye far surpasses the beauty of a well planned, organized garden. The wildness of God's garden is thrilling yet scary at the same time.

I am so thankful that God cares enough about us that when we are willing to give control to Him, He will step in, tear up our lives and plant His seeds. If we are patient and willing to leave the control in His hands then the garden that grows will be unique and all together exotically beautiful beyond belief.

God Bless,
                                     Photo courtesy of Nikon Sniper: Mount St. Helen's


  1. I love how you have compared a surrendered life to God's garden.

    "...the garden that grows will be unique and all together exotically beautiful beyond belief."

    I'd like to be this kind of garden. Thank you for this inspiration and for giving me the words to pray over my family today. God bless you with more beautiful words. :)

  2. Vilisi,
    Thank you for this compliment but I cannot take claim to this thought as I took this from Paul Young, author of 'The Shack'. I just elaborated on it.

    God bless you as you pray over your family!

  3. I praise God for your sharing this good post that you posted!!!

    I find it so true that Satan wants to rob us from the peace that our God gives us by placing oneself onto oneself which I find builds a wall between me and God.

    God Bless!!!


  4. Hi Lon,
    Satan sure is a sneaky one! As he tries to build a wall between God and us I am sure he camouflages it so we wouldn't even see. If we keep our eyes on Jesus that wall can only be attempted because Jesus shows us where the attack is and we can knock it down before it gets to big.

    God Bless you bro!!

  5. "People like to have things organized in straight lines and patterns but God doesn't do things the way man does."

    So true. We like things to fit into our nice, neat little boxes. We do the same to people! Good reminder.

  6. Hi Kimberly,
    Lol! I have birthed a family of 'out of the box' thinkers. I have had to adjust. It makes for a fun and interesting life!

  7. It is so comforting to know we have Savior who will never forsake us...He is the source of our strength...Thanks for a great message...Blessings...Mary

  8. Hello Mary! :) I agree, it is very comforting knowing the God of the universe will never leave us or forsake us


  9. Hi Child of GOD -

    Very well expressed.

    Thank you for being an earnest pray-er. We so need to pray to our Lord regularly and with sincerity.

  10. Hi Sandra,
    Where would be without our communication to God? Lost!

    I am focusing on a 24/7 prayer life with a 2-way communicaiton.

    God bless you sister,

  11. Love this and needed to hear this!! God is moving in me in this area. Thanks for being part of what He is using in my life.
    Much love,

  12. Hi Angela,
    I am happy this blessed you. It sure does hurt when God gets out His hoe! But the results are far beyond beautiful.

    God Bless,

  13. Yes, the enemy will try his uttmost best to distract us when we set our mind to carry out the business of God.

    I thank God that we are never alone when we pray, as the Holy Spirit is with us. God is faithful to His Word. I have proved this so many times.

    Oftentimes, when I do not know the words to pray, I pray in the Spirit or ask God to tell me what I should pray for a particular person or situation.

    God bless you more, Child of God as you contine the work of the kingdom.

  14. Hi Carole,

    Thanks for stopping by!

    I love praying in the Spirit for I am carried away in the love of God. His work in the kingdom is the best work around. Very fulfilling!

    God Bless,


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God Bless,