
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Rejoice in the Lord

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4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:-7 NIV


  1. Thank you for sharing these verses with me today! This was a huge help for me to be able to read this!

    God Bless!!!


  2. Thank you for posting this beautiful scripture my sweet friend...thanks to all your prayers, my prayers and everybody else who has been praying for me, I have most certainly felt the peace of God.

    Around me in the last few weeks I have seen angry hearts been transformed by forgiveness and God's love...I have seen hope in the eyes of people who once had no hope of reconciliation with each other. It is a wondrous and beautiful thing...Glory be to God my sister!

    The Lord is near and I am rejoicing!
    My dear friend thank you for all your prayers...I remember you and your family in mine also.

    God bless sis...

  3. Hi Child of God -

    I thank God that you are of those who turn the world upside down, and that it is known that you are with JESUS.

    The Acts 17:6 - KJV
    ...These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also;

    The Acts 4:13
    ...and they took knowledge of them,that they had been with Jesus.

    Luke 21:15
    For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist.

  4. @Lon,
    I am happy these verses blessed you! Our God is always good. Praying for you often and I am so very thankful for your prayers.

    I am so happy to hear about this reforming of the heart, reparing of boken relationships and mending in the deep of your spirit. This is where healing begins, inside out. Praise our God!
    Thank you for your prayers for God tells us to pray for each other without ceasing.
    I love you so much my sister, lean on Him and know I am interceeding for you often.

    Yes! Rock the world and shake it up for Jesus! There is no other way to live but for Him as this is real, true living.
    Thank you for these verses; I love them.

  5. @ Child of God,

    What a great verse, and how appropriate for this season!One thing that really struck me is that we are told 'not' to be anxious, but to, by prayer, petition, and thanksgiving put our requests before God. Thanks so much for sharing!

    ~Son of the King~

  6. @ SOTK,
    I am glad that you saw something new! Isn't it amazing when the Holy Spirit shows you something?

    God Bless,

  7. Thank you so much for your beautiful comment and supporting my blog. I hope you had time to read some others as I try to write often..I love your blog may God continue to bless thehealth of you and all those you love, aswell as the many I have now aded tomy prayer list thanks to you God Bless have a wonderful day Patricia

  8. Patricia you are welcome! I just noticed right now that on this post I spelled Rejoice wrong!! :( Haha, oh well.

    I have taken a look through your blog and I love it. I will also search up your book, it looks interesting.

    In Him,


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God Bless,