While traveling on the plane to visit my family in the east, God lead me to read Romans 12. A few verses jumped off the page at me and I asked my son for some paper and started jotting down what came to mind. I knew this was lead by God but it wasn't until today that I realized this is for Lon from Humble Path.
Romans 12:19-21 NASB Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written. "Vengeance is mine, I will repay," says the Lord. But if your enemy is hungry, feed him, and if he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in doing so you will heap burning coals on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Google Image
It seems bizarre, be kind to your enemy and you will be heaping burning coals on their head. Our culture does not understand the meaning from the Semetic speaking people, for heaping coals on the head was not a cruelty or vengence like it sounds, but a great kindness.
Before matches and instant heat, a fire had to be started with either flint or rubbing sticks together to make a spark that could be coaxed into a flame and then fed with small bits of dry wood, leaves and such to allow for a good roaring fire to blaze. This was a long tedious process and if there was no dry material around it would be nearly impossible to get a fire going. People from biblical times and today's Africian people carry most everything on their heads, jars of water, baskets of fruit and all kinds of food. Coal was also carried this way so the person, or family always had fire readily available for warmth or cooking. Heaping coal on your neighbours head was a very good and generous thing to do.
Matthew 5:44 NASB "But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." Jesus wants us to love one another and to pray for those who have hurt us, for in this way we are providing an opportunity for the Spirit to minister to them and hopefully they will repent and if they do not know Jesus then they will come to know Him and have a chance at eternal life in His kingdom.
Praise you Holy God for your words that teach us and Your fire that ignites us. Jesus bless Lon and ignite him with Your Holy fire. Thank you in the powerful name of Jesus Christ amen.
Thank you so very, very much Child of God for this magnificent post for me . . . along with the beauty of God's Word, and your prayer!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the best gift of all that you could have ever given to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God Bless you my sister in Christ!!!!!!!!!!! And I hope you and your wonderful family have a wonderful Blessed New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are welcome Lon but really it is not me you should thank for I am just a tool that God uses. Thank our God for singling you out. He really loves you and wants you to know that and He wants to wash away all the pain you have gone through. He is drawing you into something deeper with Him.Search Him out and you will find amazing things.
ReplyDeleteIn Him,
You are right, so I thank our God that He has been answering your prayers for me, and that He has been working through you to help me!
ReplyDeleteGod Bless you and your beautiful family!!!
You are very sweet Lon!
Thank you so much for sharing these insights with us. I love learning deeper truths behind the words written in Scripture; especially those spoken by Christ Himself. They are always highly significant and much more meaningful than we might realize by just reading at a glance. ...And I definitely think you're on the right track with your interpretation on the forgiveness part and the fire, giving our enemies an opportunity to share in eternal life. God's ways truly are higher than our ways. :)
-- Taylor
Thanks Taylor. I just love it when Scripture jumps off the page at me; so cool.
ReplyDeleteHow is your dad doing? Has the new meds started working? I have you all in my prayers often.
In Him,
I would like to add my Amen to your prayer :-)
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year from Southern California, USA.
I hope you and your family had a Wonderful Christmas Celebration.
God Bless You, ~Ron
Hello Ron,
ReplyDeleteI have really enjoyed reading your blog, you have a great way of putting things and I walk away blessed everytime.
We had a Christ filled Christmas and we are all looking forward to the New Year.
God Bless you and Mrs. Geezer and have a very Happy New Year!
In Him,
My dad is doing well right now. Thank you for asking! He still hasn't had any lesions grow since October, so that is a praise! He actually just went for his second monthly treatment yesterday, and we're hoping we see further improvements with each one. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for your prayers. Our family appreciates them a whole lot!
-- Taylor
This is great news Taylor! I will keep on praying for you all and for these meds to really make a difference for your dad.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless you dear one,
haha, yes a little ironic.
ReplyDeleteIt actually reminds me of something I heard John Bevere say on a dvd recently -
"send thankyou cards to all your enemies"
Bless You Child of God and Blessings brother Lon
Hi Child of GOD -
ReplyDeleteTruth indeed. We must love and forgive because that is the character of GOD.
May He help us all to love all despite what occurs.
Thank you, Child of GOD, for this truth piece that reminds us of what is vital...
ReplyDeleteLove is vital and when we are complete in love then anger, worry and the like cannot touch us. I am a work in progress and see I have a long way to go. :)
Great explanation, and I love the pictures:)