
Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

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2010 is on the way out and here we are to welcome in 2011! I read a great devotional this morning, Our Daily Bread. It talks about looking in the rear view mirror. Kind of backward to what we normally hear, "don't look where you have been but where you are going", but this one focus' on looking at how God has moved in your life; watching His hand directing and orchestrating our lives. Hebrews 13:5-6 NIV Keep your lives free of the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?"
This past year I have seen God's mighty hand move in my life and the lives of those I know, either in person or through blog land. When I look back over 2010 and the foggy places of my life when I didn't know what to do, I see that God was there the whole time directing me, guiding my footsteps. Yes, I was scared because at the time I couldn't see, I didn't know what was in front of me or around the next corner, but as I trusted Him to not run me into a wall or into falling off a cliff, I see that I wasn't blind I just had a whole lot of sin in my life clouding my vision. Worry, control, anger, insecurity and the such, these things were in my way but as soon as I rebuked them and ask God to forgive me for entertaining them, my vision cleared up and I could see just what God was doing. God is good all of the time and the best thing He gave us, a side from Jesus, is prayer.

Prayer is powerful and I have learned this from Grandpa D and Grandma L. These two sweet people are very powerful prayer warriors and they have taught me a lot on the power of prayer. When they pray you can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in the room. Their faith in God amazes me and has made me crave that type of relationship with our Creator. I have seen miracles because these two people have abandoned their lives to God. I really want to see more of this and I know I will because this is God's heart, to see people becoming His children.

2011 has a lot to offer and I am very excited to see what God is going to do this year.

God's Blessings on you,

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  1. Thank you for sharing another magnificent post of our GOD'S GREAT POWER!!! I have decided there is no reason for me to dwell on anything negative of the past now that I have our Lord Jesus guiding my steps!!! Even though I move forward day to day not always knowing where it will lead, I mustn't fear, because with our Lord Jesus I can walk through any mountain that stands in my way!!!

    Happy New Year to you sis, and your wonderful family!!! And God Bless you all!!!


  2. Happy New Year to you Child of God!
    May His blessings pour out on your life in the new year.

  3. @Lon, thank you for your kind words and making me feel good about this post;you are very kind. Your testimony makes me so happy, I love your faith and trust in the Lord.
    I hope you and your wife have a great New years eve.
    God bless bro,

    than you for the blessing and I too hope and pray that you and your precious family have a blessed 2011.

    God bless sister

  4. Happy New Year From Southern California.

    Don't forget to watch the 122nd Rose Parade on New Year's Day coming from Pasadena, California...only 30 miles from The Old Geezer's home :-) If you miss the live telecast, I'm sure there will be lots of reruns through out the day.

    No matter what looms ahead, if you can eat today, enjoy today, mix good cheer with friends today enjoy it and bless God for it. ~Henry Ward Beecher

    May God Bless and Protect You in the Year to Come. ~Ron

  5. Hi Child Of God
    Thank you so much for your beautiful comment left on my blog! It encouraged me so much! May God bless you abundantly!! Happt New Year! 2011

  6. @Ron,
    Thank you for the New year blessing. I hope you enjoyed the parade. We don't have tv here and don't down load stuff from the Internet but I am sure it was an awesome parade.

    I am very happy to hear that my prayer blessed you; isn't it just so cool how God works? I am praying for your aunt and unsaved family.
    Peace of Jesus,

  7. Happy New Year and I so appreciate you sharing this amazing post. I have seen God's faithfulness in my life this last year, and I know He will continue to be faithful! Be blessed!

  8. @ Barbie,
    I love watching God work. It thrills me everytime I see His hand move.

    God bless you in 2011

  9. Hi Child of God -

    I love this piece. You are so right - prayer is vital. Your love for our Lord is obvious.

    I was inspired by your comments about your grandparents. Truly, that bolstered my spirit.

    Praise GOD for you, precious soul.

    Thank you for sharing this enriching message.

  10. @lioneagle,
    Oh yes, Jesus is the beat of my heart and prayer keeps my heart in normal rythm.
    My kids adopted Grandpa D and Grandma L and we try to meet once or twice a week for prayer and when we pray my spirt just soars. I am glad you were inspired for they inspire me all the time.

    God Bless,

  11. Hi my dear sweet friend...sorry for my long silence. I got sick just a couple of days before Christmas and now find disease has started on my kidneys.
    I have been on a beautiful amazing spiritual retreat and journey since health deteriorated. I went on a special trip and spent nearly 2 weeks re-bonding with my Mum. I have also managed to go out and pray hands on for people who need prayer, I have touched people who have been feeling lost and who feel they can't pray.
    God is leading me all the way and 2011 is going to be an amazing year!

    God Bless you my friend and sister...
    I have missed you lots!


  12. Lisa my friend I am so happy you are back and that you had a chance to spend time with your mum re-bonding; almost 2 weeks, how wonderful. I have been praying and praying for you so many times a day, lifting up to our Lord and I see you have been very busy doing His work!!! Awesome!! When we work together as the body of Christ wonderful things do happen. Bless you for following the leading of the Holy Spirit and I am sure that your obedience to the Father is going to rock the heavens in 2011!!

    I am very sad to hear about the deteriorating health issues; I will continue to pray for physical healing.

    I have so missed your fellowship, it is amazing how close I feel towards you even though we are so far away.

    Love and hugs my sister-friend.


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God Bless,